VUV Publications
Pagina 6 di 26
- Depth-resolved core level spectroscopy of noncentrosymmetric solid BiPd
Pramanik A., Pandeya R.P., Ali K., Joshi B., Sarkar I., Moras P., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Kundu A.K., Carbone C., Thamizhavel A., Ramakrishnan S., Maiti K.
Physical Review B, Vol. 101 - 3, 035426 (2020)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.035426 (Journal Article) - Electronic band structure of three-dimensional topological insulators with different stoichiometry composition
Grimaldi I., Pacilè D., Eremeev S.V., De Luca O., Policicchio A., Moras P., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Kundu A.K., Aliev Z.S., Rudolf P., Agostino R.G., Chulkov E.V., Papagno M.
Physical Review B, Vol. 102 - 8, p. 085118 (2020)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.085118 (Journal Article) - Electronic structure of a $(3\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}3)\text{-ordered}$ silicon layer on Al(111)
Sato Y., Fukaya Y., Cameau M., Kundu A.K., Shiga D., Yukawa R., Horiba K., Chen C.-H., Huang A., Jeng H.-T., Ozaki T., Kumigashira H., Niibe M., Matsuda I.
Physical Review Materials, Vol. 4 - 6, p. 064005 (2020)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.064005 (Journal Article) - Influence of 4f filling on electronic and magnetic properties of rare earth-Au surface compounds
Fernandez L., Blanco-Rey M., Castrillo-Bodero R., Ilyn M., Ali K., Turco E., Corso M., Ormaza M., Gargiani P., Valbuena M.A., Mugarza A., Moras P., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Kundu Asish K., Jugovac M., Laubschat C., Ortega J.E., Schiller F.
Nanoscale, Vol. 12 - 43, pp. 22258-22267 (2020)
doi: 10.1039/D0NR04964F (Journal Article) - Insight into the electronic structure of semiconducting $\ensuremath{\epsilon}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{GaSe}$ and $\ensuremath{\epsilon}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{InSe}$
Eremeev S.V., Papagno M., Grimaldi I., De Luca O., Ferrari L., Kundu Asish K., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Avvisati G., Crepaldi A., Berger H., Vobornik I., Betti M.G., Grioni M., Carbone C., Chulkov E.V., Pacilé D.
Physical Review Materials, Vol. 4 - 8, p. 084603 (2020)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.084603 (Journal Article) - Low-temperature insulating phase of the $\mathrm{Si}(111)--7\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}7$ surface
Modesti S., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Carbone C., Caputo M., Marsi M., Tosatti E., Profeta G.
Physical Review B, Vol. 102 - 3, p. 035429 (2020)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.035429 (Journal Article) - Synthesis of mesoscale ordered two-dimensional π-conjugated polymers with semiconducting properties
Galeotti G., De Marchi F., Hamzehpoor E., MacLean O., Rajeswara Rao M., Chen Y., Besteiro L.V., Dettmann D., Ferrari L., Frezza F., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Liu R., Kundu A.K., Moras P., Ebrahimi M., Gallagher M.C., Rosei F., Perepichka D.F., Contini G.
Nature Materials, Vol. 19 - 8, pp. 874-880 (2020)
doi: 10.1038/s41563-020-0682-z (Journal Article) - The occupied electronic structure of ultrathin boron doped diamond
Pakpour-Tabrizi A.C., Schenk A.K., Holt A. J. U., Mahatha S.K., Arnold F., Bianchi M., Jackman R.B., Butler J.E., Vikharev A., Miwa J.A., Hofmann P., Cooil S.P., Wells J.W., Mazzola F.
Nanoscale Advances, Vol. 2 - 3, pp. 1358-1364 (2020)
doi: 10.1039/C9NA00593E (Journal Article) - Topologization of β-antimonene on Bi2Se3 via proximity effects
Holtgrewe K., Mahatha S.K., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Flammini R., Colonna S., Ronci F., Papagno M., Barla A., Petaccia L., Aliev Z.S., Babanly M.B., Chulkov E.V., Sanna S., Hogan C., Carbone C.
Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 14619 (2020)
doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71624-4 (Journal Article)
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Aprile 2012 12:14