VUV Publications
Pagina 2 di 26
- Alcohol Vapor Sensor Based on Quasi-2D Nb2O5 Derived from Oxidized Nb2CTz MXenes
Pazniak H., Plugin I.A., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Rapenne L., Varezhnikov A.S., Agresti A., Pescetelli S., Moras P., Kostin K.B., Gorokhovsky A.V., Ouisse T., Sysoev V.V.
Sensors, Vol. 24 - 1, 38 (2024)
doi: 10.3390/s24010038 (Journal Article) - Chemical Interactions at the Interface of Au on Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator
Valant Matjaz, Gardonio Sandra, Estandia Saul, Fanetti Mattia, Matetskiy Andrey Vladimirovich, Sheverdyaeva Polina Makarovna, Moras Paolo, Tileli Vasiliki
J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 128 - 38, pp. 16154-16160 (2024)
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c04241 (Journal Article) - Doping dependent intrinsic magnetization in silicon in Ni/Si heterostructures
Laterza S., Caretta A., Bhardwaj R., Moras P., Zema N., Flammini R., Malvestuto M.
Scientific Reports, Vol. 14 - 1, 1329 (2024)
doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-50795-w (Journal Article) - Effect of Chlorine Inclusion in Wide Band Gap FAPbBr3 Perovskites
Ory D., Ammirati G., Paci B., Baranek P., Generosi A., Fournier O., Turchini S., Toschi F., Guillemoles J.-F., Barichello J., Matteocci F., Di Carlo A., Milotti V., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Catone D., Cacovich S.
Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 12 - 36, p. 2401212 (2024)
doi: 10.1002/adom.202401212 (Journal Article) - Electronic Band Engineering of Two-Dimensional Kagomé Polymers
Dettmann D., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Hamzehpoor E., Franchi S., Galeotti G., Moras P., Ceccarelli C., Perepichka D.F., Rosei F., Contini G.
ACS Nano, Vol. 18 - 1, pp. 849-857 (2024)
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c09476 (Journal Article) - Evidence for efficient anchoring in nitroxyl radical thin films: an experimental XPS/NEXAFS and theoretical DFT/TD-DFT study
Totani R., Ljubić I., Mehl S.L., Kalinovych V., Jugovac M., Bonano G., Ciavardini A., Grazioli C., Galdenzi F., D’Addato S., de Simone M., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Tsud N., Coreno M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 12 - 19, pp. 6985-6998 (2024)
doi: 10.1039/d4tc00427b (Journal Article) - Giant Rashba-splitting of one-dimensional metallic states in Bi dimer lines on InAs(100)
Sheverdyaeva P.M., Bihlmayer G., Modesti S., Feyer V., Jugovac M., Zamborlini G., Tusche C., Chen Y.-J., Tan X.L., Hagiwara K., Petaccia L., Thakur S., Kundu A.K., Carbone C., Moras P.
Nanoscale, Vol. 16 - 33, pp. 15815-15823 (2024)
doi: 10.1039/D4NR01591F (Journal Article) - High performance, binder-free electrodes with single atom catalysts on doped nanocarbons for electrochemical water splitting synthesized using one-step thermally controlled delamination of thin films
Avraham E.S., Malik B., Yarmolenko A., Konar R., Remennik S., Taguri G.C., Zorzi S., Cattaruzza E., Hubner M.Y., Nessim G.D.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 12 - 39, pp. 26749-26761 (2024)
doi: 10.1039/d4ta04701j (Journal Article) - Initial oxidation of low index Mg surfaces investigated by SCLS and DFT
Xing Z., Fanetti M., Gardonio S., Schröder E., Orlov D.
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 671, 160656 (2024)
doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160656 (Journal Article) - Single crystal synthesis and surface electronic structure of Bi1.993Cr0.007Se3
Gardonio Sandra, Benher Zipporah Rini, Fanetti Mattia, Moras Paolo, Sheverdyaeva Polina M., Valant Matjaz
J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol. 12 - 34, pp. 13236-13241 (2024)
doi: 10.1039/D4TC01967A (Journal Article) - Spin-Dependent $\ensuremath{\pi}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{*}$ Gap in Graphene on a Magnetic Substrate
Sheverdyaeva P. M., Bihlmayer G., Cappelluti E., Pacilé D., Mazzola F., Atodiresei N., Jugovac M., Grimaldi I., Contini G., Kundu Asish K., Vobornik I., Fujii J., Moras P., Carbone C., Ferrari L.
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 132 - 26, p. 266401 (2024)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.266401 (Journal Article) - Spin-selective evolution of the Zhang-Rice state in binary transition metal oxide MnO(001) film
Kundu A.K., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Moras P., Menon K.S.R., Mandal S., Carbone C.
Physical Review B, Vol. 109 - 19, 195111 (2024)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.195111 (Journal Article) - Surface Defect Engineered Nano-Cu/TiO2 Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production
Liccardo L., Moras P., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Vomiero A., Caballero A., Colón G., Moretti E.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, Vol. 8 - 3, 2300418 (2024)
doi: 10.1002/adsu.202300418 (Journal Article) - Unveiling the Electronic Band Structure and Temporal Dynamics of Excited Carriers in Formamidinium Lead Bromide Perovskite
Ammirati G., Turchini S., Toschi F., O'Keeffe P., Paladini A., Martelli F., Matteocci F., Barichello J., Moras P., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Milotti V., Ory D., Carlo A.D., Catone D.
Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 12 - 9, 2302013 (2024)
doi: 10.1002/adom.202302013 (Journal Article) - Unveiling the stacking-dependent electronic properties of the 2D ultrathin rare-earth metalloxenes family LnX2 (Ln = Eu, Gd, Dy; X = Ge, Si)
Mihalyuk A.N., Sheverdyaeva P.M., Chou J.-P., Matetskiy A.V., Eremeev S.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 12 - 16, pp. 5926-5933 (2024)
doi: 10.1039/d4tc00173g (Journal Article)
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Aprile 2012 12:14