VUV photoemission beamline description
Pagina 5 di 6
New manipulator
In 2015 we installed and tested a new manipulator with liquid Helium closed-cycle cryostat.
The stage (Vab Vacuum) allows linear motion along the X, Y, and Z axes and polar rotation (360°) with 0.2° accuracy.
The closed-cycle cryostat, provided by ARSCryo, works in the temperature range 9-450K. There is no He consumption (the autonomy of the compressor is 12000 hours).
Azimuthal rotation (±160°) is performed with 0.01° accuracy through piezoelectric rotary stage (AttoCube ANR240 rotary stepper positioner).
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 12 Maggio 2020 07:18