VUV photoemission beamline description
Pagina 4 di 6
Measurement chamber
The main chamber operates in 10-11 mbar regime. It is equipped with vertical a 5 degree of freedom manipulator. The lowest temperature range is 9K for the fixed stage and 13K for rotatable stage. The azimuthal angle motion of rotatable stage is motorized and allows to acquire automatically Fermi surfaces with angle step less than 0.01° with angular range ±160°. The polar angle can span 100° and has 0.1° resolution. Read more...
Fermi surface measurements are performed by Labview 10.0 and analyzed by Wavemetrics Igor 6.2 procedures. Read more... The electron analyser is a Scienta R4000-WAL with variable acceptance angle (7-30 degrees). It is mounted at 45° to the beam direction. Read more... Please note that we can not allow pressures higher than 10-9 mbar while measuring. |
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 12 Maggio 2020 07:18