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Research at the VUV
Pagina 4 di 6
Two Distinct Phases of Bilayer Graphene Films on Ru(0001)

By combining angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy we reveal the structural and electronic properties of multilayer graphene on Ru(0001). We prove that large ethylene exposure allows the synthesis of two distinct phases of bilayer graphene with different properties.
Electronic structure of epitaxial graphene grown on stepped Pt(997)

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and density functional theory calculations were employed to investigate the electronic and structural properties of a graphene layer grown on the regularly stepped Pt(997) surface.The measurements show the predominance of a (2×2) multidomain superstructure of graphene, lying flat on the Pt terraces and covering the step edges in a carpetlike mode. Read more...
Controlling the Topology of Fermi Surfaces in Metal Nanofilms

The properties of metal crystals are governed by the electrons of the highest occupied states at the Fermi level and determined by Fermi surfaces, the Fermi energy contours in momentum space. Topological regulation of the Fermi surface has been an important issue in synthesizing functional materials, which we found to be realized at room temperature in nanometer-thick films.
Electronic structure study of ultrathin Ag(111) films modified by a Si(111) substrate and √3×√3-Ag2Bi surface

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments show that the electronic structure of a Ag(111) film grown on Si(111) is markedly perturbed by the formation of a √3×√3-Ag2Bi Rashba-type surface alloy. Four spin-split surface states, with different band dispersions and energy contours, intercept and hybridize selectively with the sp-derived quantum well states of the Ag layer.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 14 Maggio 2020 12:37