Beamline Description
The light source of the SYRMEP beamline is the first bending magnet of section n. 6 of ELETTRA (beamline 6.1). The horizontal acceptance covered by the front-end light-port is 7 mrad. The beamline provides, at a distance of about 23 m from the source, a monochromatic, laminar-section X-ray beam with a maximum area of about 160 x 5 mm2. The present monochromator, that covers the entire angular acceptance of the beamline, is based on a double Si (111) crystals working in Bragg configuration. The crystals assembly is equipped with high precision motion stages to set the Bragg angle and to perform fine angular alignments of the second crystal with respect to the first. The fixed exit of the beam, independent from the selected energy, is obtained translating the second crystal with respect to the first one along a linear guide which makes an angle of about 3° with respect to the beam direction. The exit beam is parallel to the incident one with a vertical displacement of 20 mm.
The useful energy range is 9 - 40 keV. The intrinsic energy resolution of the monochromator of 10-4 is reduced to about 4x10-3 because of the natural divergence of the beam. Typical flux measured at the sample position at 17 keV, at 2 GeV, with a stored beam of 300 mA, is about 1.6*108 ph/mm2 |
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The beamline after the front-end can be divided in three different section: 1 the optical hutch, 2 the experimental hutch and 3 the control room.
1 the optical hutch: this the part of the beam line where the energy monochromatization is obtained and where the beam is prepeared for the experiment. The main component of the optical hutch are: first vacum chamber and by pass, first Beryllium window, vacum slits chamber, monochromator chamber, leal wall x ray scattering absorber, beam stopper chamber, second beryllium windows. At this point the in vacum section is finished and the beam line is "in air" with the alluminium filter and the air slits chamber. |
2 the experimental hutch: here the experiments are performed. The main part present in the experimental hutch are: the pothon flux monitor, the sample holder (five axis movement), the sliding rail with the detector stage (two axis). In the experimental hutch all the facilities available at SYRMEP can be used for the users. |
3 the control room: Most of the beamline devices control boards (Berger and MicroControle motors, ion pumps, vacuum gauges and cameras) are located into the control room. |
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