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SuperESCA beamline description
Pagina 4 di 7
Sample Environment
Two different sample manipulators are available.
A modified CTPO (from VG) manipulator with 5 degrees of freedom (xyzΘΦ). Since the rotational movements are motorized this manipulator is generally used for angle resolved measuremetns (XPD). It is equipped with a liquid N2 crysostat and an electron bombardment heating system which allow for a sample temperature range of 120÷1500 K. A transfer system, connected to the top chamber by means of a
fast entry lock, can be used with this manipulator to insert new samples without breaking the vacuum.
The second manipulator is a liquid He cryostat with xyz translations and 1 rotational axes (see figure aside). The sample is heated by electron bombardment and, using a PID system, its temperature can be stabilized in the range between 15 and 1500 K. In this case all the manipulator movements are manually controlled.

Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 31 Marzo 2017 13:54