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  2. CO and O2 Interaction with Kinked Pt Surfaces
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  3. Copper-Based Complexes with Adamantane Ring-Conjugated bis(3,5-Dimethyl-pyrazol-1-yl)acetate Ligand as Promising Agents for the Treatment of Glioblastoma
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  4. Determining the atomic coordination number in the structure of β12 borophene on Ag(111) via X-ray photoelectron diffraction analysis
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  5. Direct Conjugation of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Phototherapeutic Prodrug 5-Aminolevulinic Acid
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  6. Electronic structure of CuxZrSe2 with tetrahedrally-coordinated Cu atoms
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  7. Fe doped NiCo2O4@rGO nanosheets network boost electrochemical kinetics for high energy density and stable asymmetric coin cell supercapacitor
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  8. Ferroelectric-enabled significant carbon dioxide molecular adsorption on BaTiO3(001)
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  9. Information hidden behind a single peak in the C 1s spectrum of graphene on Ir(111)
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  10. Molecular adsorption-desorption of carbon monoxide on ferroelectric BaTiO3(001)
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  11. NiCo2O4@SnS2 nanosheets on carbon cloth as efficient bi-functional material for high performance supercapacitor and sensor applications
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  12. Reactivity of Ti3C2Tx MXene with Atomic Hydrogen: Tuning of Surface Terminations by Halogen Removal and Reversible O to OH Conversion
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  13. Reversible oxidation of ethylene on ferroelectric BaTiO3(001): An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study
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  14. Spin asymmetry of O 2p -related states in SrTiO3(001)
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  15. Unraveling oxygen-driven surface segregation dynamics in platinum-gold alloys
    Berti Andrea, D’Alessio Matteo, Bianchi Marco, Bignardi Luca, Lacovig Paolo, Sanders Charlotte, Lizzit Silvano, Hofmann Philip, Marrazzo Antimo, Baraldi Alessandro
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  16. Unveiling Inequality of Atoms in Ultrasmall Pt Clusters: Oxygen Adsorption Limited to the Uppermost Atomic Layer
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  17. Zn doping induces rich oxygen vacancies in δ-MnO2 flower-like nanostructures for impressive energy density coin cell supercapacitor
    Abbas S., Bokhari T.H., Zafar A., Javed S., Karim S., Sun H., Hussain S., Khalid A., Yu Y., Khan R.T.A., Ullah I., Nisar A., Ahmad M.
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Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 04 Febbraio 2016 13:22