Pagina 3 di 5
Temporal resolution
This feature is currently under development. First tests showed that if the pass energy of the analyzer is above 10 V we can attribute from which bunch the photoelectrons originate thereby allowing single bunch (tens of psec) resolution in time resolved exeperiments even in multibunch Elettra mode.
Bunch structure
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The bunch width seen by the detector is approximately 1 nsec depending on analyzer pass energy and lens mode and is due to photoelectron trajectories spread caused by finite slit width of the analyzer, however photoelectrons in the same bunch originate from the sampe in the same time moment within bunch lens resolution (tens of psec). |
Time structure on the detector
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On the image detector structure for the electrons filtered in a window 100 ps is shown. X axis is energy, Y axis is angle. Six bunches arrive contemporarily and the zig-zag structure is caused by imperfections of the entrance slit of the analyzer (to be impropved). |
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 08 Marzo 2012 14:49