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  2. A structurally diverse library of glycerol monooleate/oleic acid non-lamellar liquid crystalline nanodispersions stabilized with nonionic methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG)-lipids showing variable complement activation properties
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  3. An Evidence for a Novel Antiviral Mechanism: Modulating Effects of Arg-Glc Maillard Reaction Products on the Phase Transition of Multilamellar Vesicles
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  4. An N-terminal half fragment of the histidine phosphocarrier protein, HPr, is disordered but binds to HPr partners and shows antibacterial properties
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  5. Bioinspired Antimicrobial Coatings from Peptide-Functionalized Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures
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  6. Block-Copolymers Enable Direct Reduction and Structuration of Noble Metal-Based Films
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  7. Bridging the Antimicrobial Activity of Two Lactoferricin Derivatives in E. coli and Lipid-Only Membranes
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  8. Comprehensive Characterization of a Mesoporous Cerium Oxide Nanomaterial with High Surface Area and High Thermal Stability
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  9. Continuous microfluidic production of citrem-phosphatidylcholine nano-self-assemblies for thymoquinone delivery
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  10. Correlation of Thermoelectric Performance, Domain Morphology and Doping Level in PEDOT:PSS Thin Films Post-Treated with Ionic Liquids
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  11. Cubic and Hexagonal Mesophases for Protein Encapsulation: Structural Effects of Insulin Confinement
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  12. Detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by ex vivo magnetic levitation of plasma protein-coated nanoparticles
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  13. Direct X-ray and electron-beam lithography of halogenated zeolitic imidazolate frameworks
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  14. Dispersed liquid crystals as pH-adjustable antimicrobial peptide nanocarriers
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  16. Ethanol Inactivation of Enveloped Viruses: Structural and Surface Chemistry Insights into Phi6
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  17. Experimental analysis on the influence of operating profiles on high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
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  18. Functionalized mesoporous thin films for biotechnology
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  19. Highly Tunable Nanostructures in a Doubly pH-Responsive Pentablock Terpolymer in Solution and in Thin Films
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  20. Hollow metal island films as plasmonic sensors produced by galvanic replacement
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  21. How to Choose an Interfacial Modifier for Organic Photovoltaics Using Simple Surface Energy Considerations
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  22. Human Antimicrobial Peptide Triggered Colloidal Transformations in Bacteria Membrane Lipopolysaccharides
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  23. Hyaluronic Acid-Dexamethasone Nanoparticles for Local Adjunct Therapy of Lung Inflammation
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  24. In situ monitoring of the formation of lipidic non-lamellar liquid crystalline depot formulations in synovial fluid
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  25. In situ small-angle X-ray scattering reveals solution phase discharge of Li-O2 batteries with weakly solvating electrolytes
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  26. Incorporation of porous protective layers as a strategy to improve mechanical stability of Tamm plasmon based detectors
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  27. Interplay Among Dealloying, Ostwald Ripening, and Coalescence in PtXNi100–X Bimetallic Alloys under Fuel-Cell-Related Conditions
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  28. Investigation of Many-Body Exciton Recombination and Optical Anisotropy in Two-Dimensional Perovskites Having Different Layers with Alternating Cations in the Interlayer Space
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  29. Lenticular Ga-oxide nanostructures in thin amorphous germanosilicate layers - Size control and dimensional constraints
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  30. Lipid nanosystems and serum protein as biomimetic interfaces: predicting the biodistribution of a caffeic acid-based antioxidant
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  31. Metal–insulator transition of ultrathin sputtered metals on phenolic resin thin films: Growth morphology and relations to surface free energy and reactivity
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  32. Microfluidic Sample Processing for the Use in Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
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  33. Microfluidic formulation of dna-loaded multicomponent lipid nanoparticles for gene delivery
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  34. Molecular Transport through TiO2Mesoporous Thin Films: Correlation with the Partially Blocked Electrode Model
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  35. Monodisperse long-chain sulfobetaine-capped CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and their superfluorescent assemblies
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  36. Nanopatterning surfaces by grazing incidence swift heavy ion irradiation
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  37. Novel Core–Shell Polyamine Phosphate Nanoparticles Self-Assembled from PEGylated Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) with Low Toxicity and Increased In Vivo Circulation Time
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  38. Orientation of Few-Layer MoS2 Films: In-Situ X-ray Scattering Study During Sulfurization
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  39. Perovskite-type superlattices from lead halide perovskite nanocubes
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  40. Protein-protein interactions and reduced excluded volume increase dynamic binding capacity of dual salt systems in hydrophobic interaction chromatography
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  41. Rotator phases in hexadecane emulsion drops revealed by X-ray synchrotron techniques
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  42. Snapshots into carbon dots formation through a combined spectroscopic approach
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  43. Spatially and time-resolved SAXS for monitoring dynamic structural transitions during in situ generation of non-lamellar liquid crystalline phases in biologically relevant media
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  44. Stabilization of supramolecular membrane protein–lipid bilayer assemblies through immobilization in a crystalline exoskeleton
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  45. Structural Study of the Hydration of Lipid Membranes Upon Interaction With Mesoporous Supports Prepared by Standard Methods and/or X-Ray Irradiation
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  46. Structural and Mechanical Properties of Silica Mesoporous Films Synthesized Using Deep X-Rays: Implications in the Construction of Devices
    Steinberg P.Y., Lionello D.F., Medone Acosta D.E., Zalduendo M.M., Amenitsch H., Granja L.P., Marmiroli B., Angelomé P.C., Fuertes M.C.
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  47. Structural insights into fusion mechanisms of small extracellular vesicles with model plasma membranes
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  48. Structural, optical and electrical properties of Al+ MoO3 and Au+MoO3 thin films prepared by magnetron codeposition
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  49. Template-Mediated Control over Polymorphism in the Vapor-Assisted Formation of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Powders and Films
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  50. The effect of chemical structure of carboxylate molecules on hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. A structural and morphological study
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  53. Two-dimensional perovskites with alternating cations in the interlayer space for stable light-emitting diodes
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  54. Virus pH-Dependent Interactions with Cationically Modified Cellulose and Their Application in Water Filtration
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  55. microDrop: a system for high-throughput small-angle X-ray scattering measurements of microlitre samples
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Aprile 2012 12:10