

  1. 3D Lattices of Core/Shell Ge/Mn Quantum Dots in an Alumina Matrix: Structure, Fabrication, and Photo-Electrical Properties
    Periša Ivana, Svalina Gabrijela, Ivanda Mile, Marija Tkalcevic Marija, Bernstorff Sigrid, Micetic Maja
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  2. A Label-Free Multitechnique Approach to Characterize the Interaction of Bioactive Compounds with Biomimetic Interfaces
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  3. A brominated M3 based non-fullerene acceptor: synthesis, material and photovoltaic properties
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  4. A small angle X-ray scattering approach for investigating fuel cell catalyst degradation for both ex situ and in operando analyses
    Bogar M., Yakovlev Yurii, Nováková Jaroslava, Darabut Alina Madalina, Kriechbaum Manfred, Amenitsch Heinz, Taccani Rodolfo, Matolínová Iva
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  5. A synchrotron X-ray scattering study of the crystallization behavior of mixtures of confectionary triacylglycerides: Effect of chemical composition and shear on polymorphism and kinetics
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  6. Antibody-ligand interactions on a high-capacity staphylococcal protein A resin
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  7. Biocompatible Rhamnolipid Self-Assemblies with pH-Responsive Antimicrobial Activity
    Kadakia P., Valentin J.D.P., Hong L., Watts S., Hameed O.A., Walch M., Salentinig S.
    Advanced Healthcare Materials, Vol. 13 - 4, 2302596 (2024)
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  8. Bulk proton conduction in films from a truncated reflectin variant
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  9. Capabilities of a novel electrochemical cell for operando XAS and SAXS investigations for PEM fuel cells and water electrolysers
    Bogar BM, Yakovlev YY, Pollastri PS, Biagi BR, Amenitsch AH, Taccani TR, Matolínová MI
    Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 615, p. 235070 (2024)
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  10. Core-Shell Nanogels With Raspberry Architecture and Amine Loading in the Core via Precipitation Polymerization: A Mechanistic Study
    Espuche B., Kumar K., Moretti P., Ortore M.G., Ivashchenko O., Coy E., Amenitsch H., Moya S.E., Calderón M.
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  11. Crystal structure of archaeal IF5A-DHS complex reveals insights into the hypusination mechanism
    D'Agostino M., Simonetti A., Motta S., Wolff P., Romagnoli A., Piccinini A., Spinozzi F., Di Marino D., La Teana A., Ennifar E.
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  12. Evolution of Defects, Morphology, and Strain during FAMAPbI3 Perovskite Vacuum Deposition: Insights from In Situ Photoluminescence and X-ray Scattering
    Held Vladimír, Mrkyvkova N., Halahovets Yuriy, Nádaždy Peter, Vegso K., Vlk Aleš, Ledinský Martin, Jergel Matej, Bernstorff S., Keckes J., Schreiber Frank, Siffalovic P.
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 16 - 27, pp. 35723-35731 (2024)
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  13. Ferritin at different iron loading: From biological to nanotechnological applications
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  14. Human antimicrobial peptide inactivation mechanism of enveloped viruses
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  15. Humidity-Induced Degradation Mapping of Pt3Co ORR Catalyst for PEFC by In-Operando Electrochemistry and Ex Situ SAXS
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  16. Hydrophobicity as the key to understanding the nanostructural behavior of eutectic mixtures upon apolar cosolvent addition
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  17. Industrially relevant injection moulding apparatus for in situ time-resolving small-angle X-ray scattering measurements
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  18. Integrative approach in drug discovery against SARS-CoV2: a biochemical and biophysical study on the Papain-like protease
    Morasso S.
  19. Interfacial structurization between triolein and water from pH and buffer ions
    Frigerio M., V. M. Freire R., Soares T.A., Amenitsch H., Leser M.E., Salentinig S.
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 665, pp. 1091-1101 (2024)
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  20. Long-Range Supramolecular Assembly of a Pyrene-Derivatized Polythiophene/MWCNT Hybrid for Resilient Flexible Electrochromic Displays
    Ferreira R., Mosca Dario, Moreira Tiago, Wakchaure Vivek Chandrakant, Romano Gianvito, Stopin A., Pinheiro Carlos, Luci M. T., Perdigao Luis, Costantini G., Amenitsch H.W., Laia A.T., Parola A., Maggini L., Bonifazi D.
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  21. Microfabrication through Self-Ordering of Cracks: Mechanism, Upscaling and Application for Transparent Electrodes
    Thorimbert F., Brachfeld A., Odziomek M., Boissière C., Amenitsch H., Naumenko D., Mattana G., Baccile N., Faustini M.
    Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol. 9 - 16, 2400353 (2024)
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  22. Microfibers degradation processes in water under simulated solar irradiation: a small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering study
    Piccinini A., Lucia G., Colarossi D., Principi P., Amenitsch H.W., Pittura Lucia, Regoli Francesco, Gorbi S., Spinozzi F.
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  23. Nanostructure Formation in Glycerolipid Films during Enzymatic Hydrolysis: A GISAXS Study
    Freire R.V.M., Tran B., Debas M., Zabara M., Salentinig S., Amenitsch H.
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 16 - 44, pp. 61262-61271 (2024)
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  24. Optimizing Transfection Efficiency in CAR-T Cell Manufacturing through Multiple Administrations of Lipid-Based Nanoparticles
    Giulimondi F., Digiacomo L., Renzi S., Cassone C., Pirrottina A., Molfetta R., Palamà I.E., Maiorano G., Gigli G., Amenitsch H., Pozzi D., Zingoni A., Caracciolo G.
    ACS Applied Bio Materials, Vol. 7 - 6, pp. 3746-3757 (2024)
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  25. Ordered Transfer from 3D-Oriented MOF Superstructures to Polymeric Films: Microfabrication, Enhanced Chemical Stability, and Anisotropic Fluorescent Patterns
    Brandner L.A., Marmiroli B., Linares-Moreau M., Barella M., Abbasgholi-NA B., Velásquez-Hernández M.D.J., Flint K.L., Dal Zilio S., Acuna G.P., Wolinski H., Amenitsch H., Doonan C.J., Falcaro P.
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  26. Orthogonal stimulation of structural transformations in photo-responsive MOF films through linker functionalization
    Klokic S., Marmiroli B., Naumenko D., Birarda G., Dal Zilio S., Velásquez-Hernández M.D.J., Falcaro P., Vaccari L., Amenitsch H.
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  27. PEGylation-Dependent Cell Uptake of Lipid Nanoparticles Revealed by Spatiotemporal Correlation Spectroscopy
    Digiacomo L., Renzi S., Pirrottina A., Amenitsch H., De Lorenzi V., Pozzi D., Cardarelli F., Caracciolo G.
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  28. PEI-Engineered Lipid@PLGA Hybrid Nanoparticles for Multimodal Delivery of Antigens and Immune Adjuvants to the Respiratory Mucosa
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  29. Simple-by-design approach for production of stabilizer-free cubosomes from phosphatidylglycerol and docosahexaenoic acid monoacylglycerol
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  30. Small-angle X-ray scattering unveils the internal structure of lipid nanoparticles
    Spinozzi F., Moretti P., Perinelli D.R., Corucci G., Piergiovanni P., Amenitsch H., Sancini G.A., Franzese G., Blasi P.
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  31. Spongosome-based co-delivery of curcumin and Piperine: A novel strategy for mitigating pollution-induced skin damage
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  32. Stabilizing Layered BiOBr Photoelectrocatalyst by Van Der Waals Heterojunction Strategy
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  33. Structural Rearrangement Followed by Entrapment of Subnanometer Building Blocks of Iron Oxyhydroxide in Aqueous Iron Chloride Solutions
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  34. Structure of Rotator Phases Formed in C13-C21 Alkanes and Their Mixtures: In Bulk and in Emulsion Drops
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  35. Structuring lipid nanoparticles, DNA, and protein corona into stealth bionanoarchitectures for in vivo gene delivery
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  36. Supramolecular citrate poly allylamine hydrochloride nanoparticles for citrate delivery and calcium oxalate nanocrystal dissolution
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  37. The use of polymorphic state modifiers in solid lipid microparticles: The role of structural modifications on drug release performance
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  38. Unraveling the Morphology-Function Correlation of Mesoporous ZnO Films upon Water Exposure
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  39. Using spatial confinement to decipher polymorphism in the organic semiconductor p-DTS(FBTTh2)2
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  40. ZnIn2S4 thin films with hierarchical porosity for photocatalysis
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  41. pH-Responsive Virus-Based Colloidal Crystals for Advanced Material Platforms
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Aprile 2012 12:10