Nanospectroscopy Contacts

Dial 0 to get the external line and then call the 199- access number listed below. When you get connected, press the phone-number you want to call, followed by the hash-key (#). For other countries than those listed below please click here

Country access numbers

Country Access number
for landlines
Access number
to mobile phones
France, Germany, Spain 199 30 75 75 199 30 81 81
Austria 199 30 75 75 199 416 416
Great Britain 199 20 80 80 199 416 416
Slovenia 199 30 75 75 899 189 991
Sweden 199 30 75 75 199 400 540
Switzerland 199 30 75 75 199 40 42 42
USA 199 30 75 75 199 20 80 80


calls to the USA: First you dial the 199 number (e.g. 199 30 75 75 for USA), then the countrycode (001), then you dial the number of the person you wish to call, e.g. without the suffix 0 (e.g. 202-456 1414)

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 29 Ottobre 2024 10:59