WelcomeThe analysis of chemical and electronic states in complex and nanostructured material systems requires electron spectroscopy to be carried out with nanometer lateral resolution, i.e. spectronanoscopy. This goal is achieved in NanoESCA instrument by combining a parallel imaging photoelectron emission microscope with an appropriate energy filter. This instrument has a particular emphasis on the spectroscopic aspects and enables laterally resolved photoelectron spectroscopy from the VUV up into the hard x-ray regime.
The design includes a non-magnetic, electrostatic PEEM lens and a double-pass hemispherical analyser. Rapid PEEM survey imaging (< 50 nm resolution) can be used to locate features, whilst its lateral resolution in imaging ESCA of 150 nm at the Synchrotron is simply unique. |
Research | Applications | Highlights | Publications![]() Nonlocal electron correlations in an itinerant ferromagnet
we show that in itinerant ferromagnets like cobalt the electron correlations are of nonlocal origin, manifested in a complex self-energy Σσ(E,k) that disperses as function of spin σ, energy E, and momentum vector k. ![]() Multi-orbital charge transfer
We report theoretical and experimental evidence of a pronounced charge transfer involving nickel tetraphenyl porphyrin molecules adsorbed on Cu(100). The exceptional charge transfer leads to lling of the higher unoccupied orbitals up to LUMO+3. ![]() Ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3The objective of this work was to quantify the critical doping level and then to investigate the polarization dependence of the band structure at the surface of the doped ferroelectric domains. J. E. Rault et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 127602 (2013). Read More![]() Molecular orbitals mapping
We have demonstrated that combining low energy electron diffraction with angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is a very powerful method to elucidate the geometric and electronic structures of ordered molecular adsorbates. We applied this approach to the two different monolayer phases of PTCDA on Ag(110).
A novel electrostatic PEEM microscope named NanoESCA (FOCUS GmbH/Omicron) with energy filter
User Area
Proposal Submission
We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. In a restricted number of cases, when doubts arise about the suitability of your samples or the planned measurements are too close to the microscope resolution limit, it may be possible for you to arrange a test. Call for proposals
The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
Beamline is openFrom January 2012 NanoESCA beamline is opened to Elettra general users (35% of the total beamtime availablen Nanospectroscopy). All proposals requiring this instrument must be submitted on the Virtual Unified Office indicating NanoESCA as beamline. |
Recent developments
Spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy@NanoESCA beamlineThe PEEM at the beamline is now equipped with the 2-dimensional spin polarimeter (Ch. Tusche, et al., App. Phys Lett 99, 032505 (2011)). This set-up allows acquiring spin-resolved images in both real and reciprocal space. The working principle of the spin polarimeter is the asymmetry induced by the spin–orbit interaction occurring at reflection on a W(100) crystal. The chosen geometry makes the polarimeter sensitive to in-plane magnetization of the sample.The experiment elucidating the spin-resolved three-dimensional Fermi surface of ferromagnetic fcc cobalt has been published. Ch. Tusche, et al., Nature Communication 9, 3727 (2018). |