MSB Contacts
The users of Materials Science Beamline are encouraged to get in touch with the local contacts to discuss all issues regarding the experiments, their feasibility and the preparation of a proposal. We will be happy to provide advice and feedback on both scientific and technical matters.
Beamline phone number: +39 040 375 8095 |
Shipping address for parcels: Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Strada statale 14, km 163.5, I-34149 Basovizza (TS), ITALY |
Charles University, Prague

Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Kevin Charles PRINCE
(scientific manager)
Work: +39 040-375-8584
Work: +39 040-375-8566
Work: +39 040-375-8287
Mobile: +39 3351272677
(scientific manager)
Work: +39 040-375-8584
Work: +39 040-375-8566
Work: +39 040-375-8287
Mobile: +39 3351272677

Marco FANT
Work: +39 040-375-8962
Work: +39 040-375-8335
Work: +39 040-375-8095
Work: +39 040-375-8287
Work: +39 040-375-8611
Mobile: +39 3371181202
Work: +39 040-375-8566
Work: +39 040-375-8962
Work: +39 040-375-8335
Work: +39 040-375-8095
Work: +39 040-375-8287
Work: +39 040-375-8611
Mobile: +39 3371181202
Work: +39 040-375-8566
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 28 Ottobre 2024 21:12