Beamline description
Pagina 5 di 7
Acquisition and control software
The acquisition software has been designed on the needs of XRF users.
Currently two systems are operating:
- one developed by IAEA devoted mostly to XRF maps and XRR acquisition (based on LabView and operating on Windows);
- a second one developed by Elettra mostly dedicated to XANES/EXAFS acquisition and for optics optimisation (based on Python and operating on Linux).
LabView GUI
A Tango-based command and data acquisition server coupled with a LabView GUI was specially developed to facilitate the control and operation of the instruments and X-ray detectors installed in the IAEAXspe end-station.The User’s Manual relates the steps required to set the operational parameters for the various X-ray detectors and to customize single or multi-dimensional scan measurements with real-time visualization of the selected signals.

Main GUI appearance in No Scan Mode

Visualization of measurement results by GUI in Scan Mode of operation
EXAFS scan tool
The software devoted to the XANES/EXAFS allows the users to choose between a constant or a variable energy step.
More details are available for users under the "Users procedures" tab.

Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 13 Novembre 2024 16:22