ESCA Microscopy

Welcome to ESCAmicroscopy @ Elettra

The Scanning photoelectron microscope (SPEM) hosted at the ESCAmicroscopy beamline allows to combine chemically surface sensitive measurements with high spatial resolution. A beam spot down to 120 nm and energy sensitivity within 180 meV using a third generation X-ray source providing more than 109 photons/s in the probe has opened the opportunity for material science to perform micro-characterization on a spatial scale comparable to that of the processes and the phases occurring on morphologically and chemically complex surfaces. The experimental apparatus allows to carry out a manifold of experiments, aiming at quantitative and qualitative chemical characterisation of morphologically complex materials including chemical reactions and mass transport processes leading to lateral changes in the composition, morphology and electronic properties of materials. (Research) (Beamline description)

Research highlights

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How the anisotropy of surface oxide formation influences the transient activity of a surface reaction

Oxide surfaces are important in many areas of technology, however, surface oxidation exhibits anisotropy, so that the local oxidation rates on crystallographically different and technologically relevant less-ideal surfaces vary substantially. To explore anisotropy effects, µm-sized stepped Rh surfaces are in the focus of the present work.
P. Winkler et al., Nature Communications (2021).

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On the origin of metallicity and stability of the metastable phase in chemically exfoliated MoS2

Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) bears great promises for displaying wide range of electronic, mechanical, optical and chemical properties due to the presence of several polymorphs with distinctly different electronic structures.
D. Pariari et al., Applied Materials Today (2020).

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Highlighting the Dynamics of Graphene Protection toward the Oxidation of Copper Under Operando Conditions

Graphene, thanks to its hydrophobicity and impermeability to all gas molecules, acts as a protective layer for its supporting substrate. Of strong technological interest is the high-temperature corrosion phenomenon, which is the chemical deterioration of copper as a result of heating in an aggressive environment.
M. Scardamaglia et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2019).

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Depth-dependent scanning photoelectron microspectroscopy unravels the mechanism of dynamic pattern formation in alloy electrodeposition

Patterns forming during alloy electrodeposition have attracted scientific interest for several decades, but, so far, many aspects of the physical chemistry of these dynamic structures remain unexplained.
B. Bozzini et al., J. Phys. Chem. C (2018).

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Size contrast of Pt nanoparticles formed on neighboring domains within suspended and supported graphene.

One of the appealing applications is the use of Gr as a catalyst support for Pt in fuel cells, which requires to shed light on the Pt-Gr interactions at local scale that should lead to modification of Pt and Gr properties. As presented in this work, there are distinct difference in the morphology of the Pt deposits on the suspended and supported Gr.
D. Roccella et al., Nano Research (2017).

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Where you can find us

User Area

Proposal Submission

We invite users and collabrators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assesment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. In a restricted number of cases, when doubts arise about the suitability of your samples or the planned measurements are too close to the microscope resolution limit, it may be possible for you to arrange a test. Our website provides a wealth of informaiton on experiment feasibilty and proposal submission. For more info, please vist the user info section.

Call for proposals

The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
The  submission of proposals for the Elettra beamlines is suspended until Elettra 2.0 is commissioned.



Near Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Microscopy

In-operando ambient-pressure photoelectron spectroscopy and microscopy are at the frontier of modern chemical analysis at solid–gas interfaces, bridging science and engineering of functional materials.

Innovative solution developed for the scanning photoelectron microscope at the Escamicroscopy beamline, are now available for the users. (Near Ambient Pressure SPEM)

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 09 Settembre 2021 15:03