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The research activity is focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of nanostructured surfaces and interfaces studied with variable polarization UV/X-ray spectroscopies (ARPES and Spin-resolved ARPES, 3D-Fermi Surface Tomography, XPS, XAS, XMCD, XMLD, Spin Polarization) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy.
The main research topics at APE are:
Electron states in anomalous metals, low dimensional materials (graphene, topological insulators, transition metal dichalcogenides), highly correlated metallic oxides and 2D electron gases confined on surfaces/interfaces
Magnetic ordering and coupling in diluted magnetic systems (DMS, magnetic topological insulators); interfaces with ferromagnets; electronic/ magnetic properties of complex oxides (manganites) and “out of equilibrium” systems
Growth morphology, electron states and magnetism of hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces, charge transfer effect at the interface, doping effects on the molecular layer
Fundamental aspects of photoemission spectroscopy, matrix element effects, dichroism, and implementation of 3D tomography of Fermi level and deeper occupied electronic states
Near-ambient-pressure and in-operando spectroscopies
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Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 25 Febbraio 2022 17:15