pagoPA: how to pay

As sanctioned by the article 5 of the Digital Administration Code, the Public Administration is required to accept payments, for any title due, even with the use of ICT technologies, and must make use of the national technological platform called "Nodo dei Pagamenti".
The system, identified by the "PagoPA®" logo, was created to give citizens and companies the opportunity to make payments to the Administrations electronically and to offer the widest freedom of choice regarding the payment service provider (bank, payment institutions, post offices and other operators), the payment instrument (credit or debit card, postal order, bank transfer) and the channel (physical branches, home banking, ATM, mobile or web), giving complete transparency on commission fees charged by the Payment Service Providers (PSP) participating in the system.
The "PagoPA®" logo was created to commonly identify the subjects that adhere to the system, Public Administration or Payment Service Providers.
PagoPA® is the italian national payment system for the Public Administration, which offers the user the opportunity to choose the Payment Service Provider (bank, payment institution, Post Office ...) and the preferred payment channel: with PagoPA® you can choose how to make the payment among numerous solutions offered freely and competitively by the market of payment service providers; for the list of participating PSP, click here . For more PagoPA® information click here .
In general, it is possible to pay in the following ways.
Follow the instructions of the payment service you need at the following link:
and you can make the payment by choosing between the different PSP and the several available payment instruments (credit or debit or prepaid card, bank transfer, paypal and other tools).
At the Front Office
This is the "physical" mode, so you must go personally to the counters, including automatic ones, of banks, post offices and other payment service providers participating in the initiative, and use the channels made available by them. This includes the classic Sisal-Pay and Lottomatica points, the post office, the innovative ATM system (ATMs), the Home Banking and mobile payment applications, which, for participating PSP, allow the payment of a PagoPA® Payment Notice.
In order to make the payment in this way, you must use the Payment Notice Code or the QR Code or, in any case, the codes on the payment notice that has been notified to you by the creditor.
Payment Receipt
Paying with PagoPA® allows you to quickly obtain a receipt, regardless of the choice of payment method.
In case of on-line payment, you can download the receipt in pdf format at the end of the payment transaction.
In case of payment through the branches and channels of the PSP, the Providers themselves will issue the Electronic Receipt to the paying user (RT).
Spontaneous payments (in the absence of a specific IUV code)
In order to acquire the relative IUV (Unique Identifying Payment) code for the relative payment, please use the following link: