Invited speakers
- Jerry Hastings (SLAC, Stanford, USA)
- Thomas Tschentscher (European XFEL, Hamburg, DE)
- Shaul Mukamel (UCI, Irvine, USA)
- Anders Nilsson (SLAC, Stanford, USA)
- Andrea Cavalleri (MPSD CFEL, Hamburg, DE)
- Philippe Wernet (Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin, DE)
- Majed Chergui (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)
- Villy Sundstrom (Department of Chemical Physics, Lund University, SE)
- Ryan Coffee (SLAC, Stanford, USA)
- Arnaud Rouzée (Max Born Institute, Berlin, DE)
- Thomas Pfeifer (MPI, Heidelberg, DE)
- Emma Springate (Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK)
- Oliver Gessner (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA)
- Ulf Zastrau (European XFEL, Hamburg, DE)
- Filippo Bencivenga (Elettra, Trieste, IT)
- Kevin Prince (Elettra, Trieste, IT)
- Alfred Leitenstorfer (Department of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, DE)
- Maurizio Sacchi (CNRS, Paris, FR)
- Jos Oomens (Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, NL)
- Ian Robinson (London centre for Nanotechnology, London, UK)
- Dane Austin (Quantum Optics & Laser Science Group, Imperial College, London, UK)
- Hideo Ago (RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo, JP)
- Keith Nelson (MIT, Cambridge, USA)
- Nina Rohringer (CFEL, Hamburg, DE)
- Henry Chapman (CFEL, Hamburg, DE)
- Michael Dunne (LCLS, Stanford, USA)