Invited Talks
List of Invited Talks:
(with permission of the Speakers)
Session Mo-1
M. Svandrlik (Elettra),
M. Venturini (LBNL),
High-Resolution Studies of Microbunching Phenomena in LCLS2
R. Li (JLAB),
Updates on 2D CSR Effects
Session Mo-2
G. Bassi (BNL),
CSR and Microbunching in Bunch Compressors
J. Esberg (CERN),
1D CSR with Shielding in the PLACET code
B. Terzic (Old Dominion Univ.),
High-Performance CSR Simulations with GPUs
Session Mo-3
Y. Jiao (IHEPB),
Controlling CSR-Induced Emittance Growth in DBAs
D. Douglas (JLAB),
Controlling CSR-Induced Emittance Growth and Microbunching Instability in ERL Arcs
C. Hall (Colorado State Univ.),
Measurements of CSR in the Jefferson Laboratory FEL Driver
Session Tu-1
X. Yang (BNL),
Seeding, Controlling and Benefiting from Microbunching Instability
M. Dohlus (DESY),
Simulation of the Trickle Heating Effect
E. Ferrari (Elettra),
Benefits of the Laser Heater-Induced Energy Spread for High Harmonic Conversion in HGHG FEL
Session Tu-2
C. Lechner (Hamburg Univ.),
Experimental Studies on FEL Gain Controlled by Laser-Induced Longitudinal Space Charge Amplification
K. Hacker (TU Dortmund Univ.),
Some Applications of Seeded Microbunching with Collective Effects
A. Gover (Tel Aviv Univ.),
Short Wavelength Limits for Control and Measurement of Collective Micro-Dynamic Noise Suppression/Gain
Session We-1
P. Krejcik (SLAC),
Diagnostics for Measuring and Mitigating Femtosecond Microbunches at the LCLS
T. Maxwell (SLAC),
Microbunching Instability Studies with the LCLS X-band Transverse Deflector
G.L. Orlandi (PSI),
“Overview of Transverse Profile Monitors in SwissFEL
Session We-2
C. Evain (PhLAM Lab.),
Microbunching Instability in Storage Rings
A. Chao (SLAC),
Steady State Microbunched Beam in a Storage Ring for EUV Radiation