The workshop will begin at 14:00 of the first day and end at 13:30 on the second day. It consists of four sessions (1&1/2 hours each) devoted to :
- Electron correlations and doubly excited states
- Applications in chemistry and materials
- Applications of coincidence techniques and dispersed fluorescence
- Chiral molecules, biomolecules and clusters
In each session three invited talks of 20 minutes will be presented. The talks are expected to report the main achievements obtained at Elettra and to discuss expected developments in the field, and what upgrades of the beamline and of the existing instrumentation will be required to achieve these scientific goals.
A round-table at the end of the conference will be devoted to discussion of upgrades needed for new areas of activity.
Final Program
The workshop will be held in the SEMINAR room at ELETTRA,
Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. di interesse nazionale
Strada Statale 14 - km 163,5 in AREA Science Park
34012 Basovizza, Trieste ITALY
t. +39 040 37581