10 years of Atomic and Molecular Physics at ELETTRA
31st may – 1st june 2007 Trieste
Thursday 31st May 2007
- 14:30 Welcome : G. Paolucci
- 14.45 Introduction: L. Avaldi
Electron correlations and doubly excited states
chair: prof. Claudio Furlani
- 15:00 G.C. King : High resolution near-threshold electron spectroscopy at Elettra
- 15:30 J.E. Rubensson : Double excited states of He: a neverended story
- 16:00 M. Zitnik : Energy dispersed fluorescence studies of He double excited states
16:30-17:00 coffe break
Applications in chemistry and materials
chair: prof. Piero Decleva
- 17:00 J.C. Green : What we can learn about metallorganic molecules with PES ?
- 17:30 S.Stranges : Studies of exotic species in the gas phase and perspectives.
- 18:00 L. Lozzi : Studies of gas Sensors at Gas Phase Photoemissione BL
- 18:30 R. Thissen : Chemical reactivity of planetary interest at Gas Phase beamline in the low energy range
20:00 Social dinner Restaurant 'Alla Pesa'- Basovizza
Friday 1st June 2007
Electron spectroscopy, coincidence techniques and dispersed fluorescence
chair: prof. Jan-Erik Rubensson
- 9:00 P. Bolognesi : Coincidence investigation of double photoionization
- 9:30 F. Vecchiocattivi: Characterization of molecular dications with SR
- 10:00 A. Kivimaki: Studies of inner shell excitations by electron spectroscopy and UV-visible fluorescence spectroscopy
10:30-11:00 Coffe Break
Chiral molecules, biomolecules and clusters
chair: dr. Lorenzo Avaldi
- 11:00 P.Piseri: Size resolved XAS on free transition metal nanoparticles and their oxides
- 11:30 K.C. Prince: Photoionisation of biomolecules
- 12:00 S. Turchini: Circular dichroism of free molecules with VUV and X-ray radiation : present and future
- 12.30 Round Table
- 13:30 Conclusions