

The beamline houses unique microscope designed for studies of the local band structure of the materials. VUV beam is focused into a sub-µm spot and electrons arising from the photoemission process are collected and analyzed in terms of their angular and energy distributions (ARPES). Thanks to the beam focusing the photoelectron spectrum is acquired as a function of its origin on a sample surface coordinate system. The final focusing is performed with one of the two Schwarzschild objectives designed for 27 and 74 eV of photon energy.  The ARPES is performed with energy and angular resolutions down to 14 meV and 0.150 by means of internal movable electron energy analyzer mounted on precision two axes goniometer setup . The sample can be measured at 15-470 K and the sample focusing and imaging are performed thanks to the XYZR sampe scanning stage.

Research highlights | Publications

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Charge carrier anisotropic motion in twisted few-layer graphene

The dependence of the interlayer coupling on the twist angle is analyzed and, in the domains with tri-layers and more, if different rotations are present, the electrons in weaker coupled adjacent layers are shown to have different properties manifested by coexisting van Hove singularities, moiré superlattices with corresponding superlattice Dirac points, and charge carrier group velocity renormalizations. V. Kandyba et al. Sci. Rep. 5, 16388 (2015).

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Comparing Graphene Growth on Cu(111) versus Oxidized Cu(111)

The growth on copper oxide, a high-k dielectric material, preserves the intrinsic properties of graphene; it is not doped and a linear dispersion is observed close to the Fermi energy.
S. Gottardi et al, Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 917.

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Spin–orbit coupling in the band structure of monolayer WSe2

We used angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to map out the band structure of single-layer WSe2. The splitting of the top of the valence band because of spin–orbit coupling is 513 ± 10 meV, in general agreement with theoretical predictions and in the same range as that of bulk WSe2. Duy Lee et al, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 2015.

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Spectroscopy of Topological Insulator Grid Nanostructures for Broadband Transparent Flexible Electrodes

The robust surface states consisting of a single Dirac cone were observed in as-grown Bi2Se3 grid nanostructures by micro-spot angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The 2D grid structures can significantly improve the visible transparency in comparison with continuous films.
Yunfan Guo et al, Adv. Mater. 25, 5959 (2013).

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ARPES on graphene domains grown on industrially relevant substrates

A real space map of graphene grain orientation on the copper foil visualized through photoemission microscopy with integrated intensity from around the Dirac point of a specific orientation. The two colors, red and blue, correspond to signal from two different graphene orientations.
N. Wilson et al, Nano Research 6, 99-112, (2013)

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A microscopic view on the metal-insulator transition in a Mott system

We unveil for the first time the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in Cr-doped V2O3 with submicron lateral resolution: with decreasing temperature, microscopic domains become metallic and coexist with an insulating background.

S. Lupi et al., Nature Comm. 1, 105 (2010)

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Determination of band offsets, hybridization and exciton binding in 2D semiconductor heterostructures

μ-ARPES allowes to measure electronic band structure of small artifitially made layered heterostructures of 2D materials as shown in a work of
N. Wilson et al, Sci. Adv.  3, e1601832, (2017)

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News Archive here

February 2019

Congratulations to prof. Takeshi Kondo and colleagues for publishing their paper "A weak topological insulator state in quasi-one-dimensional bismuth iodide" in Nature. The contribution of Elettra was monitoring periodicity of band dispersions on topologically dark and topologically non trivial facets of Bi4I4 needles thanks to high photon flux at sub-μm focus of Spectromicroscopy beamline.


March 2018

The paper by group of our colaborators lead by Prof. Y. Chen, "Single crystalline electronic structure and growth mechanism of aligned square graphene sheets"
published in APL materials and presenting mostely μ-ARPES results obtained at Spectromicroscopy beamline was selected for a cover page of the 6th issue of APL materials!
H. F. Yang et al, APL materials 6, 036107 (2018)

April 2016

Congratulations to our collaborators , , , , , , and


User Area

We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts in advance before the submission deadline. This may be crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may result in an improvement of the proposal.  Please read carefully guidelines for proposal rating-submission.
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Call for proposals

The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
The  submission of proposals for the Elettra beamlines is suspended until Elettra 2.0 is commissioned.



Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 April 2022 15:57