Information for Elettra and FERMI users
Respiratory protective equipment at Elettra
The use of respiratory protective devices such as FFP2 filtering face masks ( FFP2) is still an important measure for health protection.
Here follow the recommendations regarding the use of FFP2 masks.
Masks are recommended:
- in environments where the number of people exceeds what specified on door signs;
- during in-person meetings, when the maximum number of people exceeds what prescribed by the SPP (Prevention and Protection Service) concerning the use of meeting rooms;
- whenever a gathering of people occurs, even occasionally;
- when queueing for access to premises, the canteen or other public places (e.g. refreshment rooms);
- for those who share their work environment with personnel included in the “vulnerable” category;
- in presence of any symptoms affecting the respiratory tract;
- in the lifts.
The use of FFP2 face masks is not necessary:
- outdoors;
- whenever the maximum number of people allowed in an environment does not exceed what established on door signs;
- in public areas, such as corridors, stairs, entrance hallways etc. where there is no risk of creating gatherings of people.
It is recommended that everyone always has a FFP2 face mask ready to use, if needed; if not available please contact the beamline scientist in charge.
- FFP2 masks remain compulsory on public transports (airplanes excluded, where masks are only recommended).
Personal hygiene precautions
It is mandatory for everyone inside Elettra premises to adopt all the hygiene precautions, particularly with regard to hands. Sanitising gel dispensers will continue to be provided by the SPP in the usual locations.
Starting from June 1st, 2022 the Green pass IS NOT required to enter Italy
A Green pass is NO LONGER required to access:
- all Elettra premises (including the canteen)
- restaurants and bars (outdoor and indoor premises)
- all transports (local and long distance)
- hotels, B&Bs and hotel restaurants
In case you need a swab test to re-enter your home country, please see here.
For more exhaustive information about COVID-19 restrictions and regulations in Italy, please always refer to the Italian Embassy in your country.
International Travel
PLEASE NOTE: unless specifically indicated for particular projects, Elettra will not pay for periods of isolation. Also, confirm your trip with your home institution: in the case where a user becomes ill during his/her stay, the employer will need to pay for periods of isolation requiring accommodation, catering, travel tickets, swab tests and all other related costs.
Here you can also find more information at:
However, before travelling we strongly advise you to always check all the updates directly with the Italian Embassy in your country.
Travelers from certain countries are required to notify the local Health Department upon arrival, through the online form (mandatory): * Questionario: COVID19 - Modulo rientro in Italia - Provincia di Trieste
* The form at the moment is only in Italian, here follows a translation for your convenience:
1. Surname
2. Name
3. Gender (male - female)
4. Fiscal code (only Italian citizens) Foreign citizens may insert 16 letters and numbers
5. Date of birth
6. Place of birth
7. Country of Residence
8. Address of residence
9. Municipality of temporary/permanent residence in Italy (quarantine place if foreseen)
10. Address of temporary/permanent residence in Italy (quarantine place if foreseen)
11. Phone number
12. e-mail address
13. Family practitioner (only for Italian citizens)
14. Country you come from
15. Date of arrival in Italy
16. Reason of travel
17. Employment type
18. Route towards Italy
19. Have you travelled on a Covid Tested flight? (as per order of the Ministry of Health, Nov.23rd, 2020)
20. Have you taken a swab test in the last 72 or 48 hours? (depending on the country of origin)