Application of infrared techniques for the study of technical textiles
New technical textiles are designed, developed and tuned to ensure the highest performance in the world of sports. They can be used in any season and in all weather conditions. New high-performance yarns, mostly based by polymeric composite materials need to be developed. Polymer defects introduced by spinning, such as yarn inclusions, or by coloring, may degrade both technical quality and attractive look of the clothes.
Elettra's contribution
In collaboration with two leading companies, the spinning and coloring process of several yarns have been studied using infrared techniques in the Mid-Infrared Region (MIR). Single filaments have been investigated with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) microscopy for revealing potential sources for yarn defects. In addition, all the chemicals used for coloring have been classified to create a reference database to be used in quality procedure checks to highlight potential variations leading to defect in coloring process. The collaboration has continued for two years in which sampling and measurement protocols for chemical products are developed to improve the company’s process control. In order to provide the company with full autonomy in carrying out its activities, the personnel involved have been provided with the appropriate training for the interpretation of the analytical data.
Facility: SISSI Beamline.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 July 2023 10:46