Fonda Fasella Award

The Fonda-Fasella award ceremony is annually held during the Elettra Users’ Meeting, that takes place in late November / early December.
Matteo Pancaldi from Elettra SincrotroneTrieste, for the paper "Advancing imaging and magnetization dynamics studies at the FERMI DiProI beamline using OAM beams and THz pulses".
3 December 2024 -
Iulia Cojocariu from the University of Trieste and Elettra SincrotroneTrieste, for the paper "Profiling metal organic/metal hybrid interfaces: photoemission orbital tomography as an identikit tool".
30 November 2023 -
Paolo Antonio Carpeggiani from TU Wienfor the paper "Complete reconstruction of bound and unbound electronic wavefunctions in two-photon double ionization".
10 December 2019 -
David Gauthier from LIDYL, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper "Orbital angular momentum from extreme-ultraviolet light sources".
4 December 2018 -
Christian Prehal from the Institute of Physics, Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), for the paper "Ion charge storage in supercapacitor nanopores quantified by modeling and in situ SAXS".
5 December 2017 -
Eugenio Ferrari from the EPFL – École Polytechnique Fédéralede Lausanne, for the paper “Control of the pulse properties in a seeded FEL”.
30 November 2016 -
Rick Kirian from the Arizona State University, for the paper "Direct phasing of nanocrystals using coherent FEL pulses".
11 December 2015 -
Riccardo Comin from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and University of Toronto, for the paper "Charge stripes and d-wave bond order in YBCO".
10 December 2014 -
Dimas G. de Oteyza from Centro de Fisicade Materiales, CSIC-UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain, for the paper "Understanding Energy Level Alignment in Donor-Acceptor/Metal Interfaces".
4 December 2013 - Michela Fratini from the "Centro Studie RicercheEnrico Fermi" (Rome), forthe presentation "Manipulation and Control of Oxygen interstitials in a Superconductor cuprate, La2CuO4 + y, using X-ray diffraction".
Elisa Miniussi from the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste, for the paper"A link between corrugation and thermal stability of epitaxial graphene".
15-16 November 2011 -
David Maestre from the University of Madrid, for the paper Cathodoluminescence and photoelectron microscopy study of semiconductor oxide of micro- and nanostructures grown by thermal treatments.
13 December 2010 -
Vitaliy Feyer for the paper “Photoemission and the shape of amino acids and DNA bases in the gas phase”.
16 December 2009 -
Paolo Falcaro from CIVEN,for the paper "Fabrication of X-Ray Patternable Mesostructured Silica Films".
25 November 2008 -
G. Caracciolo from the University Roma “Sapienza” for the paper “Structural Stability of Transfection Efficient Cationic Liposome/DNA Complexes”.
21 November 2006 -
Jan Ingo Flege from the University ofBremen - Institutfür Festkörperphysik for the paper “Highly ordered self-assembled colloidal nanoparticle films studied by grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering”.
15 December 2005 -
Adam F. Lee from the University of York, UK, for the paper “Shining Light on Surface Chemistry”.
27 October2004 -
Kanchan Annand from the University of Lübeck, Germany, for the paper "Structural Studies on Coronavirus Main Proteinases: Basis for the Design of anti-SARS Drugs".
2 December 2003 -
Joseph Lambourne from UniversiteP & M Curie, Paris, for the paper "Detailed Measurements of the Fluorescent Photon and Metastable Atom Yield Resulting from the Radiative Decay of Helium Doubly Excited States".
29 October 2002 -
Paola Bolognesi from CNR-IMAI, Italy, for the paper " Direct Photo-Double Ionization of He and Arin Unequal Energy Sharing Conditions".
4 December 2001 -
Andrea Goldoni from Elettra SincrotroneTrieste, for the paper “Surface Phase Transitions in C60 and K3 C60
fcc Films: Molecular Motions and Correlation Effects”.
5 December 2000 -
Alan Riboldi Tunnicliffe from the University Jena, Germany, for the paper “The Crystal Structure of macrophage Infectivity Potentiator Protein (MIP) from Legionella Pneumophila”.
30 November 1999
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 December 2024 09:42