Time Resolved XAS and XMCD experiments @ BACH beamline
The experimental setup combines Laser and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in order to study the dynamics of the photo-induced excited states of electronic and magnetic systems.
The time resolved XAS/XMCD setup is operating at the Branch B of the BACH Beamline
The properties of the TR-XAS/XMCD@BACH beamline offer wide experimental conditions with respect to repetition rate, overall energy range, time-resolution, operation modes of the Synchrotron source and sample experimental enviroments (7 Tesla - 2 K cryomagnet, available 1st semester 2011).
Experimental opportunities:
Elettra Synchrotron radiation source provide radiation pulse widths sufficiently short to investigate dynamic processes in the time between 70 ps up to 0.5 μs.Typically, optical excitation of the sample is done by laser pulses (synchronized to either hybrid or multi bunch SR pulses), and probing is performed by time-delayed synchrotron radiation pulses. The X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS and XMCD) open up various opportunities to probe laser-induced changes of the electronic, magnetic and geometric structure.
For the optical excitation of the sample we use a regenerative amplifier system (RegA9050 from Coherent) providing 5µJ photon pulses at a repetition rate of 250 kHz or a Mira HP Ti:SA oscillator with a pulsepicker and produces 25nJ pulses with a repetition rate tunable between 1 and 83.3 MHz.
The XAS experiments are performed measuring the X-ray fluorescence yield by means of an ultra-fast MCP detector. Different acquisition modes are available: full XAS energy scan, fixed Energy-time delayed acquisitions.
Feature of the Laser Sources | RegA9050 | Mira HP Ti:Sa oscillator |
Wavelenght | 800nm; SHG: 400nm | 800nm; SHG: 400nm |
Pulse width | 50 fs | 150 fs |
Pulse energy | 5 μJ/pulse | 25 nJ/pulse |
Repetition rate | 200-250 KHz | 83.3 MHz |
Feature of the acquisition setup | ||
Ultrafast MCP-Hamamatsu detector |
Laser Support
Last Updated on Thursday, 01 December 2011 16:27