Past News
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This year, the Annual National Congress of the Italian Physical Society (SIF) was held in Trieste from September 23th and 27th. The aim of the Congress, which brings together about 600 Italian researchers, is to promote the advancement of knowledge in all areas of physics. The SSL team was deeply involved in the organizational tasks of this meeting, composed by plenary and 8 parallel sessions. Alessandro, secretary of the local organizing committee, and the PhD students of the group Elisa, Fabrizio, Luca and Davide, strongly contributed to the success of the Congress. |
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From September, 4 to 6, Luca attended the 3rd Joint PhD Summer School on Nanotechnology organized by SISSA. This year, the school aimed at highlighting the potential applications and the economic impact of Nanotechnology in the society, with a special focus on the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to Nanosciences. During the school, Luca presented a poster about our latest result in the production of high-quality graphene-oxide interfaces. |
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From July, 15 to 19, Fabrizio and Elisa attended the 2013 Lectures in Physics and Chemistry organised by the Onassis Foundation for Science. This year the focus of the lectures was on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, with a special attention devoted to graphene and novel carbon-based materials and technologies. This international event, which featured the participation of about 70 graduate students and young researchers from Europe and overseas, was held at the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) in Heraklion (Crete). The lectures were given by top-tier international scientists, including Prof. Phaedon Avouris and the Nobel laureate Prof. Konstantin Novoselov , and gave attendees a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with the lecturers and other young scientists from all ver the world.
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From April, 23 to April, 26 Fabrizio and Elisa participated in the International conference “Graphene 2013”, which was held at the Bilbao Conference Centre in Bilbao, Spain. This conference, which featured over 600 participants and more than 100 speakers from all over the world is among the largest International events dedicated to graphene, with a special focus on the latest scientific developments and on the industrial and technological applications of this groundbreaking material. |
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On May, 4-5 Elisa attended the Gordon Research Seminar “Self-assembly: Fundamentals and Applications” in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. The focus of the meeting was on the highly interdisciplinary field of self-assembly, including both theory and applications. Elisa was selected as the discussion leader for the opening session. |
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Between January 27th and 31st, Fabrizio and Alessandro, together with Silvano from SuperESCA beamline, have participated at the European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene (EWEG'2013) held in Aussois in the French Alps. The aim of the workshop on was to intensify the discussion on the topic of graphene on metals, to explore new links between the different subfields involved and to pinpoint controversial issues. The workshop has brought together researchers involved in the studies of the physical and chemical properties of graphene and in its production.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 15:55