Past News
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18 September
Davide Mondin: bravissimo !
Congratulations to Davide for graduating in Physics with the maximum + LAUDE. It's a significant achievement, and we are sure it's a moment of pride for both Davide and his family.
Best wishes Davide for a bright future !
Let's seize another opportunity to celebrate!
![mondin](/images/Documents/NanoscaleMaterialsLaboratory/Foto personale e di gruppo/Mondin party.png)
3-7 September
"Advanced Photoemission Studies of 2D and Quantum Materials"
Luca has organised jointly with Antonija Grubisic-Cabo (University of Groningen, NL) and Davide Curcio (University of Aarhus, DK) the mini-colloqiuum "Advanced Photoemission Studies of 2D and Quantum Materials", which was part of the program of the 30th conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society and which was held jointly with the FisMat2023 conference in Milan. The program of the colloqiuum featured 6 invited and 10 contributed talks, bringing together many experts in the field of photoemission. |
![mondin](/images/Documents/NanoscaleMaterialsLaboratory/Foto personale e di gruppo/Luca-Milano.jpeg)
2 September
Spectroscopy Summer School in LUND
Deborah is back in the lab after partecipating in the Spectroscopy Summer School 2023 organized by Max IV and LINXS and dedicated to PhD students and young researchers who want to understand and apply techniques to a variety of scientific and technological research topics. |
![mondin](/images/Documents/NanoscaleMaterialsLaboratory/Foto personale e di gruppo/Summer school Deborah.png)
25 July
Again proud of our students: Cecilia Botta !
Congratulations to our outstanding Cecilia Botta on achieving the highest evaluations for her bachelor's degree (110 cum laude)! Your capabilities, hard work and dedication have truly paid off.
We know that there is a piece of your thesis flyhing somewhere......
Let's hope for the best Cecilia !
![mondin](/images/Documents/NanoscaleMaterialsLaboratory/Foto personale e di gruppo/Cecilia.png)
29 June
Double Prize for Deborah Perco.
Deborah is back from the Cluster Meeting 2023 organized by the J. Heyrovsky Institute and held in Prag (June 18-23) where she received a double award: Best HOT TOPIC talk and BEST POSTER of the Meeting.
Never settle for little: congratulations Deborah !
![Deborah2](/images/Documents/NanoscaleMaterialsLaboratory/HL in homepage/Deborah BEST POSTER_LR.jpg)
23 May
A well deserved PhD
When your research group includes such exceptionally talented students, it's evident that the quality of our results reaches its pinnacle.
Thank you Fede.
Today Federico Loi concluded his Phd journey with us (and more). It will be not easy without him in the Lab.
Buona fortuna Fede !!!
23 Febraury
Federico Loi was awared the BEST PHD CAREER
Once more we are very proud of our PhD students.
Federico Loi, enrolled in the last year of the Phd In Nanotechnology, was awarded the Best PhD Career during the CrossNano 2023 congress which was held at the University of Trieste between 21 and 23 February 2023.
A relly well-deserved prize.
Bravo Fede !!!
Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 15:55