KAOS@FLASH2 Installation 2017
A Kirkpatrick-Baez Active Optics System (KAOS) has been installed at FLASH2 recently. It is supposed to collect the FEL radiation and focus it onto the sample in the endstation. The focusing is realized keeping the wavefront as flat as possible (monitored by a wavefront sensor) by means of the active benders acting on the mirror substrates. In this way, the ultimate spot size approaches the opto-mechanical limit of the system.
The KAOS system has been installed in February 2017 by people from the PADReS group of FERMI in the FLASH2 new experimental hall. After the first part where the true installation and the first tests in air using a visible laser, the first commissioning tests with FEL light have been carried out in April 2017 by the PADReS group together with the people from FLASH. The first results are already very good and close to the ultimate performance of the system. Focal spots as small as 6x6 µm2 were obtained in the endstation. Further tests, commissioning and characterizations are foreseen for the next future.
Last Updated on Saturday, 03 September 2022 16:53