Ultrafast Resonant Interatomic Coulombic Decay Induced by Quantum Fluid Dynamics
Here, we directly measure the timescale of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in resonantly excited helium nanodroplets using a high-resolution, tunable, extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser. A.C.LaForge et al. Physical Review X 11, 021011 (2021)
In this work we directly measure the timescale of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in resonantly excited helium nanodroplets using a high-resolution, tunable, extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser. Over an extensive range of droplet sizes and laser intensities, we discover the decay to be surprisingly fast, with decay times as short as 400 fs, nearly independent of the density of the excited states. Using a combination of time-dependent density functional theory and ab initio quantum chemistry calculations, we elucidate the mechanisms of this ultrafast decay process, where pairs of excited helium atoms in one droplet strongly attract each other and form merging void bubbles, which drastically accelerates ICD.
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LaForge A. C., Michiels R., Ovcharenko Y., Ngai A., Escartín J. M., Berrah N., Callegari C., Clark A., Coreno M., Cucini R., Di Fraia M., Drabbels M., Fasshauer E., Finetti P., Giannessi L., Grazioli C., Iablonskyi D., Langbehn B., Nishiyama T., Oliver V., Piseri P., Plekan O., Prince K.C., Rupp D., Stranges S., Ueda K., Sisourat N., Eloranta J., Pi M., Barranco M., Stienkemeier F., Möller T., Mudrich M. Physical Review X, Vol. 11, 021011 (2021) |
Last Updated on Friday, 07 October 2022 10:51