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- A modular end-station for atomic, molecular, and cluster science at the low density matter beamline of FERMI@Elettra
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Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol. 46 - 16, 164007 (2013)
doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/46/16/164007 (Journal Article) - Nonlinear excitation of neon using the FEL FERMI@ELETTRA
Dubrouil A., Reduzzi M., Feng C., Hummert J., Finetti P., Plekan O., Grazioli C., Di Fraia M., Lyamayev V., LaForge A., Stienkemeier F., Ovcharenko Y., Coreno M., O'Keeffe P., Devetta M., Berrah N., Motomura K., Mondal S., Ueda K., Demekhin P., Kuleff A., Cederbaum L., Callegari C., Prince K.C., Sansone G.
Laser Science 2013 (2013)
doi: 10.1364/LS.2013.LTh3I.4 (Conference Proceedings)
Last Updated on Monday, 06 October 2014 15:19