

The DiProI experimental chamber can work in many flexible configurations. A newly available setup (developed in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Christian Gutt, Siegen University) is organized as a reflectometer in which the scattering from the FEL, impinging on the sample rotated at an angle Theta, is acquired on a detector placed at an angle 2Theta. Reflected signal can be acquired both by a CCD detector and a photodiode, allowing both scattering spatial imaging and fast angular reflectometry scans.

Magnetic scattering in reflection.

Magnetic scattering in reflection geometry

Reflectometer set up

Reflectometer setup

Drowing of the reflectometer setup

Reflectometer Main features

Theta ranges from 0° to 55° in
Theta-2Theta configuration

IR pump available at a nearly collinear geometry, 2° from the FEL trajectory

CCD detector to sample distance
adjustable between 50 and 150 mm

5 axis piezoelectric sample stage
X, Y, Z ±15 mm; Θy, Θ±5° ranges

Static electromagnet on sample holder

A special sample environment, able to provide an in plane static magnetic field (up to ±35 mT), has been designed (in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Jan Lüning, Paris IV University) to perform scattering experiments both in T- and L-MOKE geometry. The device has been tested on permalloy film irradiated with left and right circular polarized FEL radiation in reflection geometry. The inversion of the in plane film magnetization, induced by the external static magnetic field,is visible in data shown in the following figure.
Sample electromagnet features

Last Updated on Friday, 18 October 2019 15:16