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Radio Frequency System
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The storage ring RF systems shall replace the energy lost by the electron beam turn by turn. Because of the full energy injection and the top up operation, the energy delivered by the RF systems is almost constant.
2 GeV
310 mA |
2.4 GeV
140 mAv |
Harmonic number |
432 |
432 |
Revolution frequency |
1,16 |
1,16 |
MHz |
Available RF power |
315 |
315 |
kW |
Accelerating Voltage |
1680 |
1680 |
kV |
Synchrotron frequency |
11 |
11 |
kHz |
Total Losses |
112 |
112 |
kW |
Power to the beam |
72 |
62 |
kW |
Four ELETTRA type cavities are installed in the short straight section of the storage ring. The ELETTRA type cavity is a single cell, made of oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper.
Elettra Cavity
Resonant frequency |
499,654 |
MHz |
Unloaded Q |
40000 |
Shunt impedance (transit time included) |
> 3.2 |
MW |
Wall losses |
65 |
kW |
Accelerating voltage |
650 |
kV |
Tuning range |
± 200 |
kHz |
Frequency set |
±1 |
MHz |
Each cavity is powered by one RF source plant. Three RF power source are the 60 kW klystron transmitters and the RF power line is a coaxial one.
Last transmitter is a 150 kW Inductive Output Tube one: waveguide WR1800 run is then used to deal with such power level.
All the plants have high power circulator to decouple the transmitter from the load.
Frequency, amplitude and phase feedback loops on the RF chain keeps the proper accelerating voltage along each cavity, according to the stored electron beam need.
The RF phase shift among the RF plants can be precisely arranged.
The longitudinal High Order Modes (HOM) of the cavity are not damped. Their high quality factors allow to tune them far away from the beam resonances by mean of the accurate cavity cooling temperature set (temperature accuracy = 0.1° C) in order to avoid any dangerous beam-HOM interactions.
Last Updated on Friday, 13 January 2012 14:06