Glucose metabolism

Glucose metabolism is difficult to image with cellular resolution in mammalian brain tissue, particularly with 18fluorodeoxy-D-glucose (FDG) positron emission to- mography (PET). To this end, we explored the potential of synchrotron-based low-energy X-ray fluorescence (LEXRF) to image the stable isotope of fluorine (F) in phosphorylated FDG (DG-6P). 

C. Poitry-Yamate et al.Journal of Neuroscience Research  (2012).

In our study, we used synchrotron soft X-ray imaging and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) microscopy to study glucose uptake in retina and brain tissues at 1 um2 spatial resolution in 3 um-thick brain slices. This study demonstrates the ability to identify glucose uptake at subcellular resolution and holds remarkable potential for imaging glucose metabolism in biological tissue.

Retrieve article


Feasibility of Direct Mapping of Cerebral Fluorodeoxy-D-Glucose Metabolism In Situ at Subcellular Resolution Using Soft X-Ray Fluorescence;
C. Poitry-Yamate, A. Gianoncelli, B. Kaulich, G. Kourousias, A.W. Magill, M. Lepore, V. Gajdosik, R. Gruetter;

Journal of Neuroscience Research 2012.
doi: 10.1002/jnr.23171

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 15:50