

  1. 3D X-ray tomographic analysis reveals how coesite is preserved in Muong Nong-type tektites
    Masotta M., Peres S., Folco L., Mancini L., Rochette P., Glass B.P., Campanale F., Gueninchault N., Radica F., Singsoupho S., Navarro E.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 20608 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76727-6 (Journal Article)
  2. A novel approach to separate absorption, refraction and scattering in analyzer based lung imaging
    Menk R.H., Rigon L., Brombal L., Donato S., Petris C., Arfelli F.
    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 15 - 5, C05069 (2020)
    doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/05/C05069 (Journal Article)
  3. Analysis of Intracellular Magnesium and Mineral Depositions during Osteogenic Commitment of 3D Cultured Saos2 Cells
    Picone G., Cappadone C., Pasini A., Lovecchio J., Cortesi M., Farruggia G., Lombardo M., Gianoncelli A., Mancini L., Menk Ralf H., Donato S., Giordano E., Malucelli E., Iotti S.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 21 - 7, 2368 (2020)
    doi: 10.3390/ijms21072368 (Journal Article)
  4. Author Correction: A quantitative analysis of 3D-cell distribution in regenerative muscle-skeletal system with synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography
    Tesařová M., Mancini L., Simon A., Adameyko I., Kaucká M., Elewa A., Lanzafame G., Zhang Y., Kalasová D., Szarowská B., Zikmund T., Novotná M., Kaiser J.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 2276 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59021-3 (Journal Article)
  5. Bone diagenesis in archaeological and contemporary human remains: an investigation of bone 3D microstructure and minero-chemical assessment
    Caruso V., Marinoni N., Diella V., Berna F., Cantaluppi M., Mancini L., Trombino L., Cattaneo C., Pastero L., Pavese A.
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 12 - 8, p. 162 (2020)
    doi: 10.1007/s12520-020-01090-6 (Journal Article)
  6. Comparison of propagation-based CT using synchrotron radiation and conventional cone-beam CT for breast imaging
    Tavakoli Taba S., Baran P., Nesterets Y.I., Pacile S., Wienbeck S., Dullin C., Pavlov K., Maksimenko A., Lockie D., Mayo S.C., Quiney H.M., Dreossi D., Arfelli F., Tromba G., Lewis S., Gureyev T.E., Brennan P.C.
    European Radiology, Vol. 30 - 5, pp. 2740-2750 (2020)
    doi: 10.1007/s00330-019-06567-0 (Journal Article)
  7. Comparison of propagation-based phase-contrast CT and absorption-based CT for breast imaging using synchrotron radiation
    Taba S.T., Lewis S., Baran P.M., Arhatari B.D., Nesterets Y.I., Mayo S.C., Thompson D., Fox J., Kumar B., Prodanovic Z., Hausermann D., Maksimenko A., Hall C., Dimmock M., Pavlov K.M., Peele A., Quiney H.M., Lockie D., Tromba G., Gureyev T.E., Brennan P.C.
    15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, IWBI 2020, Vol. 11513, p. 115130T (2020)
    doi: 10.1117/12.2564053 (Conference Proceedings)
  8. Could the Enrichment of a Biomaterial with Conditioned Medium or Extracellular Vesicles Modify Bone-Remodeling Kinetics during a Defect Healing? Evaluations on Rat Calvaria with Synchrotron-Based Microtomography
    Giuliani A., Sena G., Tromba G., Mazzon E., Fontana A., Diomede F., Piattelli A., Trubiani O.
    Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 10 - 7, 2336 (2020)
    doi: 10.3390/app10072336 (Journal Article)
  9. Deep sea explosive eruptions may be not so different from subaerial eruptions
    Iezzi G., Lanzafame G., Mancini L., Behrens H., Tamburrino S., Vallefuoco M., Passaro S., Signanini P., Ventura G.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 6709 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63737-7 (Journal Article)
  10. Editorial: Recent Advancements in X-Ray and Neutron Imaging of Dynamic Processes in Earth Sciences
    Mancini L., Arzilli F., Polacci M., Voltolini Marco
    Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol. 8, p. 395 (2020)
    doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.588463 (Journal Article)
  11. Effectiveness of X-ray phase-contrast tomography: Effects of pixel size and magnification on image noise
    Brombal L.
    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 15 - 1, p. C01005 (2020)
    doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/01/C01005 (Journal Article)
  12. Experimental optimization of the energy for breast-CT with synchrotron radiation
    Oliva P., Di Trapani V., Arfelli F., Brombal L., Donato S., Golosio B., Longo R., Mettivier G., Rigon L., Taibi A., Tromba G., Zanconati F., Delogu P.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 17430 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74607-7 (Journal Article)
  13. Fast, non-iterative algorithm for quantitative integration of X-ray differential phase-contrast images
    Massimi L., Buchanan I., Astolfo A., Endrizzi M., Olivo A.
    Optics Express, Vol. 28 - 26, pp. 39677-39687 (2020)
    doi: 10.1364/OE.405755 (Journal Article)
  14. Flattening filter for Gaussian-shaped monochromatic X-ray beams: an application to breast computed tomography
    Donato S., Arfelli F., Brombal L., Longo R., Pinto A., Rigon L., Dreossi D.
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 27, pp. 503-506 (2020)
    doi: 10.1107/S1600577519016643 (Journal Article)
  15. Geopolymer production for conservation-restoration using Sicilian raw materials: feasibility studies
    Barone G., Caggiani M.C., Coccato A., Finocchiaro C., Fugazzotto M., Lanzafame G., Occhipinti R., Stroscio A., Mazzoleni P.
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 777 - 1, pp. 012001-8 (2020)
    doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/777/1/012001 (Journal Article)
  16. Getting a-breast of immobilisation needs for the implementation of phase contrast tomography
    Lewis S.J., Tam N., Arana Pena L.M., Juria I., Tavakoli Taba S., Hausermann D., Brennan P.C., Hall C., Arhatari B., Tromba G., Longo R., Gureyev T.E.
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 11513, p. 115131P (2020)
    doi: 10.1117/12.2563572 (Journal Article)
  17. Halloysite nanotubes/pluronic nanocomposites for waterlogged archeological wood: thermal stability and X-ray microtomography
    Parisi Filippo, Bernardini F., Cavallaro G., Mancini L., Milioto Stefana, Prokop David, Lazzara Giuseppe
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 141 - 3, pp. 981-989 (2020)
    doi: 10.1007/s10973-020-09637-4 (Journal Article)
  18. Investigation of nano-microstructural changes in Maastricht limestone after treatment with nanolime suspension
    Ševčík R., Viani A., Mancini L., Appavou M.-S., Machová D.
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol. 126 - 5, p. 367 (2020)
    doi: 10.1007/s00339-020-03567-6 (Journal Article)
  19. Jawbone remodeling: a conceptual study based on Synchrotron High-resolution Tomography
    Iezzi G., Mangano C., Barone A., Tirone F., Baggi L., Tromba G., Piattelli A., Giuliani A.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 3777 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60718-8 (Journal Article)
  20. Lesion visibility in phase-contrast breast CT: Comparison with histological images
    Longo R., Arfelli F., Donato S., Bonazza D., Brombal L., Contillo A., Cova M.A., Delogu P., Di Trapani V., Golosio B., Mettivier G., Oliva P., Rigon L., Taibi A., Tonutti M., Tromba G., Zanconati F.
    15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, IWBI 2020, Vol. 11513, p. 115130S (2020)
    doi: 10.1117/12.2564202 (Conference Proceedings)
  21. Medical Applications of Tissue-Equivalent, Organic-Based Flexible Direct X-Ray Detectors
    Basiricò L., Ciavatti A., Fratelli I., Dreossi D., Tromba G., Lai S., Cosseddu P., Bonfiglio A., Mariotti F., Dalla Val C., Bellucci V., Anthony J.E., Fraboni B.
    Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 8, p. 13 (2020)
    doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.00013 (Journal Article)
  22. Microstructural evolution and texture analysis of magnesium phosphate cement
    Viani A., Lanzafame G., Chateigner D., El Mendili Y., Sotiriadis K., Mancini L., Zucali M., Ouladdiaf B.
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 103 - 2, pp. 1414-1424 (2020)
    doi: 10.1111/jace.16782 (Journal Article)
  23. Morphological Evolution of Zn-Sponge Electrodes Monitored by In Situ X-ray Computed Microtomography
    Bozzini B., Mele C., Veneziano A., Sodini N., Lanzafame G., Taurino A., Mancini L.
    ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 3 - 5, pp. 4931-4940 (2020)
    doi: 10.1021/acsaem.0c00489 (Journal Article)
  24. Osteogenic Potential of Bovine Bone Graft in Combination with Laser Photobiomodulation: An Ex Vivo Demonstrative Study in Wistar Rats by Cross-Linked Studies Based on Synchrotron Microtomography and Histology
    Luca R.E., Giuliani A., Mănescu A., Heredea R., Hoinoiu B., Constantin G.D., Duma V.-F., Todea C.D.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 21 - 3, 778 (2020)
    doi: 10.3390/ijms21030778 (Journal Article)
  25. PERCIVAL: possible applications in X-ray micro-tomography
    Pinaroli G., Lautizi G., Donato S., Stebel L., Cautero G., Giuressi D., Gregori I., Dal Zilio S., Sergo R., Scarcia M., Cudin I., Wunderer C.B., Correa J., Marras A., Aplin S., Boitrelle B., Orsini F., Goettlicher P., Kuhn M., Lange S., Niemann M., Shevyakov I., Zimmer M., Guerrini N., Marsh B., Sedgwick I., Greer A., Nicholls T., Pedersen U.K., Tartoni N., Hyun H., Kim K., Rah S., Graafsma H., Menk R.H.
    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 15 - 2, C02007 (2020)
    doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/02/C02007 (Journal Article)
  26. Radiochromic film dosimetry in synchrotron radiation breast computed tomography: A phantom study
    Mettivier G., Masi M., Arfelli F., Brombal L., Delogu P., Di Lillo F., Donato S., Fedon C., Golosio B., Oliva P., Rigon L., Sarno A., Taibi A., Russo P.
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 27, pp. 762-771 (2020)
    doi: 10.1107/S1600577520001745 (Journal Article)
  27. Synchrotron microtomography applied to the volumetric analysis of internal structures of Thoropa miliaris tadpoles
    Fidalgo G., Paiva K., Mendes G., Barcellos R., Colaço G., Sena G., Pickler A., Mota C.L., Tromba G., Nogueira L.P., Braz D., Silva H.R., Colaço M.V., Barroso R.C.
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10 - 1, p. 18934 (2020)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75993-8 (Journal Article)
  28. The Skaros effusive sequence at Santorini (Greece): Petrological and geochemical constraints on an interplinian cycle
    Lanzafame G., Casetta F., Giacomoni P.P., Donato S., Mancini L., Coltorti M., Ntaflos T., Ferlito C.
    Lithos, Vol. 362-363, 105504 (2020)
    doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105504 (Journal Article)
  29. X-ray synchrotron microtomography: a new technique for characterizing chrysotile asbestos
    Bloise A., Ricchiuti C., Lanzafame G., Punturo R.
    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 703, 135675 (2020)
    doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135675 (Journal Article)
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 September 2014 15:08