

  1. Adsorbate conformation determines catalytic chemoselectivity: crotonaldehyde on the Pt(111) surface
    Urquhart A.J., Williams F.J., Vaughan O.P.H., Cropley R.L., Lambert R.M.
    Chemical Communications, pp. 1977-1979 (2005)
    doi: 10.1039/b500590f (Journal Article)
  2. Band-like dispersion in the valence band photoemission spectra of K 6C60(110) films
    Goldoni A., Petaccia L., Zampieri G., Lizzit S., Cepek C., Gayone E., Wells J., Hofmann P.
    AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 786, pp. 3-7 (2005)
    doi: 10.1063/1.2103808 (Journal Article)
  3. Comment on "Momentum-Dependent Energy Losses in Core Level Photoemission Spectra of Poorly Conducting Metals"
    Hofmann P., Zampieri G., Petaccia L., Lizzit S., Baraldi A.
    Physical Review Letters, Vol. 94 - 20, 209703 (2005)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.209703 (Journal Article)
  4. Copper is highly effective for the epoxidation of a "difficult" alkene, whereas silver is not
    Cropley R.L., Williams F.J., Vaughan O.P.H., Urquhart A.J., Tikhov M.S., Lambert R.M.
    Surface Science, Vol. 578 - 1-3 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.01.024 (Journal Article)
  5. Critical Influence of Adsorption Geometry in the Heterogeneous Epoxidation of "Allylic" Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity of Three Phenylpropene Isomers on Cu(111)
    Williams F.J., Cropley R.L., Vaughan O.P.H., Urquhart A.J., Tikhov M.S., Kolczewski C., Hermann K., Lambert R.M.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 127 - 48, pp. 17007-17011 (2005)
    doi: 10.1021/ja055635i (Journal Article)
  6. Efficient Epoxidation of a Terminal Alkene Containing Allylic Hydrogen Atoms: trans-Methylstyrene on Cu{111}
    Cropley R.L., Williams F.J., Urquhart A.J., Vaughan O.P.H., Tikhov M.S., Lambert R.M.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 127 - 16, pp. 6069-6076 (2005)
    doi: 10.1021/ja042758e (Journal Article)
  7. Electronic properties of clean and Li-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes
    Petaccia L., Goldoni A., Lizzit S., Larciprete R.
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. 144-147, pp. 793-797 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2005.01.067 (Journal Article)
  8. Final-state screening dynamics in resonant Auger decay at the 2p edge of vanadium
    Ilakovac V., Kralj M., Pervan P., Richter M.C., Goldoni A., Larciprete R., Petaccia L., Hricovini K.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 71 - 8, 85413 (2005)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.085413 (Journal Article)
  9. Heterogeneous alkene epoxidation: past, present and future
    Lambert R.M., Williams F.J., Cropley R.L., Palermo A.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Vol. 228 - 1-2 SPEC. ISS., pp. 27-33 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.molcata.2004.09.077 (Journal Article)
  10. Heterolitic photolysis of O2 on Ag(100)
    Savio L., Gerbi A., Vattuone L., Rocca M., Vecchiocattivi F., Cappelletti D., Pirani F.
    Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 404 - 4-6, pp. 336-340 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.01.112 (Journal Article)
  11. NEXAFS study and electrical properties of nitrogen-incorporated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films
    McCann R., Roy S.S., Papakonstantinou P., Ahmad I., Maguire P., McLaughlin J.A., Petaccia L., Lizzit S., Goldoni A.
    Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 14 - 3-7, pp. 1057-1061 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2005.01.032 (Journal Article)
  12. NH3 adsorption and decomposition on Ir(110): A combined temperature programmed desorption and high resolution fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study
    Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Lizzit S., Petaccia L., Baraldi A., Vinod C.P., Nieuwenhuys B.E.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 122 - 18, 184705 (2005)
    doi: 10.1063/1.1893690 (Journal Article)
  13. Phenylacetylene adsorption on Rh(100): a photoemission and photoabsorption investigation
    Iucci G., Carravetta V., Paolucci G., Goldoni A., Russo M.V., Polzonetti G.
    Chemical Physics, Vol. 310 - 1-3, pp. 43-49 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2004.10.002 (Journal Article)
  14. Photoelectron diffraction study of the 6H-SiC(0001) sqrt[3] x sqrt[3] R30° reconstruction
    Zampieri G., Lizzit S., Petaccia L., Goldoni A., Baraldi A., Bremholm M., Gayone J.E., Hoffmann S.V., Hofmann P.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 72 - 16, 165327 (2005)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.165327 (Journal Article)
  15. Search for a local effect in multiatom resonant core excitation in a surface species: Photoemission and photon-stimulated desorption from N_{2} on Ni(111)
    Feulner P., Ecker M., Jakob P., Romberg R., Weimar R., Menzel D., Föhlisch A., Wurth W., Yang S-, Fadley C.S., Larciprete R., Lizzit S., Kostov K.L., Tyuliev G.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 71 - 12, 125409 (2005)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.125409 (Journal Article)
  16. Selective NH3 oxidation on (110) and (111) iridium surfaces
    Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Martinez J.R., Vinod C.P., Lizzit S., Petaccia L., Baraldi A., Nieuwenhuys B.E.
    Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 235 - 1, pp. 92-102 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2005.07.022 (Journal Article)
  17. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Peptide Nucleic Acids on Gold Surfaces: A Spectroscopic Study
    Mateo-Martí E., Briones C., Román E., Briand E., Pradier C.M., Martín-Gago J.A.
    Langmuir, Vol. 21 - 21, pp. 9510-9517 (2005)
    doi: 10.1021/la050366v (Journal Article)
  18. The electronic properties of carbon nanotubes studied by high resolution photoemission spectroscopy
    Larciprete R., Goldoni A., Lizzit S., Petaccia L.
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 248 - 1-4, pp. 8-13 (2005)
    doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.03.023 (Journal Article)
  19. The role of O-ad in the decomposition of NH3 adsorbed on Ir(110): a combined TPD and high-energy resolution fast XPS study
    Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Vinod C.P., Lizzit S., Petaccia L., Baraldi A., Nieuwenhuys B.E.
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 7 - 13, pp. 2629-2634 (2005)
    doi: 10.1039/b502350e (Journal Article)
  20. Transition from one-dimensional to three-dimensional behavior induced by lithium doping in single wall carbon nanotubes
    Larciprete R., Petaccia L., Lizzit S., Goldoni A.
    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 71 - 11, 115435 (2005)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.115435 (Journal Article)
  21. Unexpected Behavior of the Surface Composition of PtRh Alloys during Chemical Reaction
    Baraldi A., Giacomello D., Rumiz L., Moretuzzo M., Lizzit S., Buatier de Mongeot F., Paolucci G., Comelli G., Rosei R., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Valbusa U., Kiskinova M.P.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 127 - 15, pp. 5671-5674 (2005)
    doi: 10.1021/ja044372+ (Journal Article)
Last Updated on Thursday, 04 February 2016 13:22