

  1. An in-situ study of mesostructured CTAB-silica film formation during dip-coating,using time-resolved SAXS and interferometry measurements.
    Grosso D., Babonneau F., Albouy P.A., Amenitsch H., Balkenende A.R., Brunet-Bruneau A., Rivory J.
    Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 14 - 2, pp. 931-939 (2002)
    doi: 10.1021/cm011255u (Journal Article)
  2. Changes in myosin S1 orientation and force induced by a temperature increase
    Griffiths P.J., Bagni M.A., Colombini B., Amenitsch H., Bernstorff S., Ashley C.C., Cecchi G.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 99 - 8, pp. 5384-5389 (2002)
    doi: 10.1073/pnas.082482599 (Journal Article)
  3. Charge transfer considerations of MicroCAT-based detector systems
    Orthen A., Wagner H., Besch H.J., Menk R.H, Walenta A.H.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 492 - 1-2, pp. 160-177 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01276-7 (Journal Article)
  4. Controlled Solubilization of Toluene by Silicate-Catanionic Surfactant Mesophases as Studied by in Situ and ex Situ XRD
    Lind A., Andersson J., Karlsson S., Ågren P., Bussian P., Amenitsch H., Lindén M.
    Langmuir, Vol. 18 - 4, pp. 1380-1385 (2002)
    doi: 10.1021/la011240a (Journal Article)
  5. Design of transition metal oxide mesoporous thin films
    Crepaldi E.L., Soler-Illia G., Grosso D., Albouy P., Amenitsch H., Sanchez C.
    Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 141, pp. 235-242 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0167-2991(02)80547-X (Journal Article)
  6. Dilute and Semi dilute Solutions of Block Copolymers in water, Near-critical and Super-Critical CO2: a Small Angle Scattering Study of the Monomer-Aggregate Transition.
    Triolo F., Triolo A., Lo Celso F., Donato D.I., Triolo R.
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 304 - 1-2, pp. 135-144 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0378-4371(01)00529-5 (Journal Article)
  7. GISAXS Study of Cadmium Sulfide Quantum Dots
    Dubcek P., Bernstorff S., Desnica U.V., Desnica-Frankovic I.D., Salamon K.
    Surface Review and Letters, Vol. 9 - 1, pp. 455-459 (2002)
    doi: 10.1142/S0218625X02002452 (Journal Article)
  8. Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Tungsten-Carbon Films Produced by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
    Dubcek P., Radic N., Milat O., Bernstorff S.
    Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 151-152, pp. 218-221 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0257-8972(01)01560-2 (Journal Article)
  9. Grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity on nanosized vanadium oxide and V/Ce oxide films
    Posedel D., Turkovic A., Dubcek P., Crnjak-Orel Z.
    Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, Vol. 90 - 1-2, pp. 154-162 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0921-5107(01)00933-3 (Journal Article)
  10. Hexagonally organised mesoporous alumina thin films prepared by the template approach. In-situ study of the structural evolution.
    Pidol L., Grosso D., Soler-Illia G.A.A., Crepaldi E., Albouy P.A., Amenitsch H., Euzin P., Sanchez C.
    Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 12 - 3, pp. 557-564 (2002)
    doi: 10.1039/B109192C (Journal Article)
  11. In-Situ SAXS Studies on the Formation of Silicate/Surfactant Mesophases with Solubilized Benzene under Acidic Conditions
    Tiemann M., Goletto V., Blum R., Babonneau F., Amenitsch H., Lindén M.
    Langmuir, Vol. 18 - 26, pp. 10053-10057 (2002)
    doi: 10.1021/la026473w (Journal Article)
  12. Industrial applications of the aggregation of block copolymers in supercritical CO2: a SANS study
    Lo Celso F., Triolo A., Triolo F., McClain J., DeSimone J.M., Heenan R.K., Amenitsch H., Triolo R.
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol. 74 - SUPPL.II (2002)
    doi: 10.1007/s003390101240 (Journal Article)
  13. Influence of "controlled processing conditions" on the solidification of iPP, PET and PA6
    La Carrubba V., Brucato V., Piccarolo S.
    Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 180 (2002)
    doi: 10.1002/1521-3900(200203)180:1<43::AID-MASY43>3.0.CO;2-Z (Journal Article)
  14. Interaction of proteins in solution from small angle scattering: a perturbative approach
    Spinozzi F., Gazzillo D., Giacometti A., Mariani P., Carsughi F.
    Biophysical Journal, Vol. 82 - 4, pp. 2165-2175 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0006-3495(02)75563-X (Journal Article)
  15. Investigation of the Microstructural Evolution During Large Strain Cold Working of Metals by Means of Synchrotron Radiation - A Comparative Overview
    Zehetbauer M., Schafler E., Ungar T., Kopacz I., Bernstorff S.
    Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 124 - 1, pp. 41-47 (2002)
    doi: 10.1115/1.1421049 (Journal Article)
  16. Molecular packing in cadmium and zinc arachidate LB multilayers
    Prasanth Kumar N., Major S., Vitta S., Talwar S.S., Dubcek P., Amenitsch H., Bernstorff S., Ganesan V., Gupta A., Dasannacharya B.A.
    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 198-200, pp. 75-81 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0927-7757(01)00917-7 (Journal Article)
  17. Monitoring fat crystallization in aerated food emulsions by combined DSC and time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction
    Kalnin D., Garnaud G., Amenitsch H., Ollivon M.
    Food Research International, Vol. 35 - 10, pp. 927-934 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0963-9969(02)00155-2 (Journal Article)
  18. Morphology of solid polymer electrolytes: a TR-WAXS investigation
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 304 - 1-2, pp. 129-134 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0378-4371(01)00528-3 (Journal Article)
  19. On the dynamic two-dimensional charge diffusion of the interpolating readout structure employed in the MicroCAT detector
    Wagner H., Besch H.J., Menk R.H., Orthen A., Sarvestani A., Walenta A.H., Walliser H.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 482 - 1-3, pp. 334-346 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0168-9002(01)01368-7 (Journal Article)
  20. Orientational ordering in polymorphic terepthal-bis-4-butylaniline (TBBA)
    Bokare A.D., Das D., Amenitsch H., Patnaik A.
    Solid State Communications, Vol. 122 - 6, pp. 329-333 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0038-1098(02)00151-5 (Journal Article)
  21. Phase transformation during cubic mesostructured silica film formation
    Grosso D., Soler-illia G.A.A., Babonneau F., Amenitsch H., Albouy P.A.
    Chemical Communications, Vol. 2 - 7, pp. 748-749 (2002)
    doi: 10.1039/B111499A (Journal Article)
  22. Phenomenological approach to compare the crystallisation kinetics of Isotactic Polypropylene and Polyamide-6 under pressure
    La Carrubba V., Brucato V., Piccarolo S.
    Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 40 - 1, pp. 153-175 (2002)
    doi: 10.1002/polb.10075 (Journal Article)
  23. Preliminary results of A combined USAXS and diffraction enhanced imaging system with synchrotron radiation
    Menk R.H., Amenitsch H., Arfelli F., Montanari F., Dreossi D.
    Vol. 2002-January, pp. 565-568 (2002)
    doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2002.1029320 (Conference Proceedings)
  24. Recent Progress with the MicroCAT Gaseous Imaging Detector
    Orthen A., Wagner H., Besch H.J., Menk R.H., Sarvestani A., Walenta A.H., Walliser H.
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 478 - 1-2, pp. 200-204 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0168-9002(01)01757-0 (Journal Article)
  25. Solvent Influenced Mesostructures in Polyurethane-based Membranes of Different Transport Parameters using SAXS
    Grigoriew H., Wolinska-Grabczyk A., Bernstorff S.
    Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 21 - 2, pp. 113-116 (2002)
    doi: 10.1023/A:1014280712134 (Journal Article)
  26. Structural study in the lamellar/inverse hexagonal phase region of phosphatidylethanolamines
    Rappolt M., Hickel A., Bringezu F., Lohner K.
    Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, Vol. 118 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0009-3084(02)00070-1 (Journal Article)
  27. Structure of CdS-arachidic acid composite LB multilayers
    Prasanth Kumar N., Narang S.N., Major S., Vitta S., Talwar S.S., Dubcek P., Amenitsch H., Bernstorff S.
    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 198-200, pp. 59-66 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0927-7757(01)00915-3 (Journal Article)
  28. Temperature effected structural transitions in polyurethanes saturated with solvents studied by SAXS synchrotron method
    Grigoriew H., Wolinska-Grabczyk A., Bernstorff S., Jankowski A.
    Journal of Macromolecular Science - Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 39 A - 7, pp. 629-642 (2002)
    doi: 10.1081/MA-120004508 (Journal Article)
  29. The effect of fusion inhibitors on the phase behaviour of N-methylated dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine
    Darkes M.J.M., Harroun T.A., Davies S.M.A., Bradshaw J.P.
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Vol. 1561 - 1, pp. 119-128 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S0005-2736(01)00464-3 (Journal Article)
  30. The measurements of particle/crystallite size in nanostructured TiO2 films by SAXS/WAXD method
    Lavcevic M.L., Turkovic A.
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 46 - 7, pp. 501-505 (2002)
    doi: 10.1016/S1359-6462(02)00021-0 (Journal Article)
  31. Time-resolved small angle scattering in soft condensed matter and biological systems
    Bras W., Amenitsch H., Egelhaaf S.U.
    Synchrotron Radiation News, Vol. 15 - 4, pp. 27-31 (2002)
    doi: 10.1080/08940880208602961 (Journal Article)
  32. Viscoelastic properties of collagen - synchrotron radiation investigations and structural model
    Puxkandl R., Zizak I., Paris O., Keckes J., Tesch W., Bernstorff S., Purslow P., Fratzl P.
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Vol. 357 - 1418, pp. 191-197 (2002)
    doi: 10.1098/rstb.2001.1033 (Journal Article)
Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 12:10