2D Pilatus3 1M Detector System
The Pilatus3 1M detector system (https://www.dectris.com/pilatus3_specifications.html#main_head_navigation) operates in "single photon counting" mode and is based on the CMOS hybrid pixel technology: the X-rays are directly transformed into electric charge, and processed in the CMOS readout chips. This new design has no dark current or readout noise, a high dynamic range of 20 bits (~1 million counts), a read-out time of less than 1 ms, a frame rate of up to 500 images/s and an excellent point spread function of 1 pixel. The data are stored in TIF format and can be directly processed with FIT2D [1]
Technical specifications:
Pixel size: |
172 x 172 µm2 |
Format 1 module |
487 x 195 = 94,965 pixels |
Module size |
83.8 x 33.5 mm2 |
Number of modules |
2 x 5 = 10 |
Total area |
168.7 x 179.4 mm2 |
Total number of pixels |
981 x 1043 = 1023183 |
Intermodule gap |
x: 7 pixels, y: 17 pixels, 7.2 % of total area |
Sensor |
reverse-biased silicon diode array |
Energy range |
5 - 36 keV |
Dynamic range |
20 bits (1:1,048,573) |
Counting rate per pixel |
107 photons/s |
Energy resolution |
500 eV |
Adjustable threshold range |
2.7 – 18 keV |
Threshold dispersion |
50 eV |
Readout time |
0.95 ms |
Framing rate |
500 Hz |
Point-spread function |
1 pixel |
Data formats |
Raw data, TIF, EDF, CBF |
External trigger/gate |
5V TTL |
[1] A.P. Hammersley, "Fit2D: an introduction and overview", ESRF Internal Report, ESRF97HA02T, 1997
2D Pilatus 100K Detector System
The Pilatus 100K detector system (http://www.dectris.com/sites/pilatus100k.html) operates in "single photon counting" mode and is based on the CMOS hybrid pixel technology: the X-rays are directly transformed into electric charge, and processed in the CMOS readout chips. This new design has no dark current or readout noise, a high dynamic range of 1000000 (20 bits), a read-out time of less than 3 ms, a framing rate of over 200 images/s and an excellent point spread function of < 1 pixel.
The data are stored in TIF format and can be directly processed with FIT2D [1]
Technical specifications:
Pixel size: |
172 x 172 µm2 |
Format |
487 x 195 = 94,965 pixels |
Area |
83.8 x 33.5 mm2 |
Dynamic range |
20 bits (1:1,048,576) |
Counting rate per pixel |
> 2 x 106 X-ray/s |
Energy range |
3 – 30 keV |
Quantum efficiency
(calculated) |
3 keV: 80%
8 keV: 99%
15 keV: 55% |
Energy resolution |
500 eV |
Adjustable threshold range |
2 – 20 keV |
Threshold dispersion |
50 eV |
Readout time |
2.7 ms |
Framing rate |
300 Hz |
Point-spread function |
1 pixel |
Data formats |
Raw data, TIF, EDF, CBF |
External trigger/gate |
5V TTL, 3 different mode |
[1] A.P. Hammersley, "Fit2D: an introduction and overview", ESRF Internal Report, ESRF97HA02T, 1997
1D Gabriel Type Gas detectors
Two 1D Gabriel-type detectors are available, which have an active area of 100 x 8 mm2 and 150 x 8 mm2, respectively. Both have 1024 pixels, and thus the corresponding spatial resolution is about 135 microns and 175 microns, respectlively. They can be used simultaneously, and are run with the data acquisition system HCI (Hecus X-ray Systems, Graz, Austria). This detector system has the following performance:
• Minimal time resolution: 11 microsec
• Maximum No. of frames: 512
• Maximum integral count rate: 40 kHz
1D Vantec Detector
The high count rate capable Vantec-1 Detector from BrukerAXS Inc. has an active area of 50 x 16 mm and reaches a spatial resolution of about 50 !m. Its new gas amplification principle based on the Microgap technology [1] allows much higher count rates compared to the Gabriel-type gas detectors. Currently the main limitation is the data acquisition system with its maximum integral count rate of about 1 MHz. In the present data acquisition system HCI (Hecus X-ray Systems, Graz, Austria) the detector has the following performance:
• Minimal time resolution: 11 microsec
• Maximum No. of frames: 512 (depending on the no. of channels)
• Maximum integral count rate: 1 MHz
[1] http://www.bruker-axs.com/x_ray_detectors.html