Elettra beamlines: main techniques, source and energy range

ExitNameShort description of the main techniquesSourceEnergy range [eV]
1.1LTwinMicScanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy, Ptychography, X-ray Fluorescence and Absorption Spectroscopyid400 - 2200
1.2LNanoESCAXPEEM imaging spectroscopy, microprobe ARPES and XPSid25 - 1000
1.2LNanospectroscopySpectroscopic photoemission and low energy electron microscopeid25 - 1000
2.2LESCA microscopyScanning PhotoElectron Microscopy (SPEM)id400 - 1200
2.2RSuperESCAHigh energy resolution photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopyid90 - 1800
3.2LSpectromicroscopyAngle-resolved photoemission microscopyid23; 74
3.2RBaDElPh@VUVBand Dispersion and Vacuum UltraViolet Photoemissionid20 - 750
4.2CiPo / MOSTCircular Polarization / Molecular Optical Science and Technology (under construction)id7 - 900
5.2LSAXSSmall Angle X-ray Scatteringid5400; 8000; 16000
5.2RXRD1X-Ray Diffractionid4000 - 21500
6.1LMSBMaterials Science Beamline (for photoemission and X-ray absorption)bm22 - 1000
6.1RSYRMEPSYnchrotron Radiation for MEdical Physicsbm9000 - 40000
7.1MCXMaterials Characterisation by X-ray diffractionbm6000 - 20000
7.2ALOISAAdvanced Line for Overlayer, Interface and Surface Analysisid130 - 1500
8.1LBEARBending source for Emission Absorption and Reflectivitybm2.75 - 1600
8.2BACHBeamline for Advanced diCHroismid44 - 1650
9.1SISSI - BioSynchrotron Infrared Source for Spectroscopy and Imaging - Chemical and Life Sciencesbm0.001 - 2.5
9.1SISSI - MatSynchrotron Infrared Source for Spectroscopy and Imaging - Materials Sciencebm0.001 - 2.5
9.2APE LE Advanced Photoelectric Effect experiments (Low Energy)id10 - 100
9.2APE HE Advanced Photoelectric Effect experiments (High Energy)id200 - 1600
10.1LX-ray fluorescenceX-Ray Fluorescencebm700 - 14000
10.1RDXRLDeep X-Ray Lithographybm2 - 20000
11.1RXAFSX-Ray Absorption Fine Structurebm2400 - 25000
11.2CXRD2X-Ray Diffraction (Macromolecular Crystallography)id8000 - 35000
11.2RXpressHigh pressure X-ray diffractionbm25000
Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 14:39