CiPo - Info for Users
After your proposal is accepted
Scheduling accepted proposalsThe beamline coordinator takes care of contacting all of the users whose proposals have been accepted, following the rank indicated by the Review Panel. We try to arrange the beamtime calendar keeping into account the experiment requirements and your specific needs. Sending us your instrumentationDuring the scheduling of the various proposals, we carefully check with you whether we have all the necessary equipment for experiments. If something is missing, we make specific agreements so that you send us what is needed in time for the experiments. |
Important note concerning fundingFunding agencies normally refund expenses in the time interval one day prior and after the beamtime. Thus, in the case you arrive earlier, your expenses ARE NOT COVERED. We invite you to check this with the Elettra User Office. |
Before your arrivalThe user office webpages offer you advice on several topics regarding your staying at Elettra, including accommodation, car rental and how to reach the Elettra site. Fill the Access Request in advance!Most importantly, don't forget to fill in the Access Request from. Timing for the submission of the Access Request varies according to Users Categories: General Users, Research Team Members and Collaborators must submit their Access Form at least two weeks before the experiment. Italian Users must submit their Request at least one month before the experiment. Contact usDon't forget to contact us, so that we can arrange an appointment to meet at the beamline! |
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