Thermal switching of the magnetization in an iron film on a magnetically active template MnAs/GaAs(001)
The magnetization direction of a thin Fe film can be fully reversed in a thermal cycle of a few degrees close to room temperature, without making use of an external magnetic field. Phys. Rev. B 81, 220401 (2010)

We show that the magnetization direction of a thin Fe film can be fully reversed in a thermal cycle of a few degrees close to room temperature, without making use of an external magnetic field. This result is obtained by depositing the Fe film on MnAs/GaAs(001), which displays a temperature-controlled self-organized pattern of submicron-wide stripes, alternating ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic phases. The temperature-dependent dipolar fields generated by this magnetically active template can be used to control the magnetization of the Fe overlayer.
Retrieve articleThermal switching of the magnetization in an iron film on a magnetically active template MnAs/GaAs(001)M. Sacchi, M. Marangolo, C. Spezzani, R. Breitwieser, H. Popescu, R. Dealaunay, B. R. Salles, M. Eddrief, V. H. Etgens;
Phys. Rev. B 81, 220401 (2010).
Last Updated on Monday, 25 June 2012 15:34