The end stations
The preparation chamber
The preparation chamber is an UHV chamber (base pressure 1e-10 mbar) equipped with:
- a manipulator stage with 5 degrees of freedom (X,Y,Z,Theta,Phi). The manipulator stage allows to heat (up to 1000 K) and to cool down the sample (100 K).
The control of temperature can be done through an IRCON pyrometer (T>250°C) or through a thermocouple K that can be brought in touch with the sample;
- a leed VG;
- an ion gun VG;
- a mass spectrometer (model SRS RGA-200)
- two quartz microbalance thickness monitors (one on the chamber, one on the manipulator);
- Tricon evaporators or home made evaporators; click here to have further details for surface preparation;
- a Cylindrical mirror analyzer.
Picture of the preparation chamber