ALOISA Publications



  1. R. Gotter, A. Attili, A. Ruocco, D. Arena, R.A. Bartinsky, S. Iacobucci, L. Marassi, P. Luches, D. Cvetko, L. Floreano, A. Morgante, F. Tommasini, and G. Stefani,
    Angular correlation in Auger photoelctron coincidence spectrscopy from the Cu(111) surface,
    Journal de Physique 9 (1999) 161.
    DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1999636
  2. R. Gotter, A. Attili, L. Marassi, D. Arena, R.A. Bartinsky, , D. Cvetko, L. Floreano, S. Iacobucci, A. Morgante, P. Luches, A. Ruocco, F. Tommasini, and G. Stefani,
    Angular correlation in Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy from the Cu(111) surface,
    Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry (1999) p. 106.
  3. L. Floreano, G. Naletto, D. Cvetko, R. Gotter, M. Malvezzi, L. Marassi, A. Morgante, A. Santaniello, A. Verdini, F. Tommasini and G. Tondello,
    Performance of the Grating-Crystal Monochromator of the ALOISA beamline at the Elettra Synchrotron,
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 (1999) 3855.
  4. M. Sauvage-Simkin, Y. Garreau, A. Barski, R. Langer, L. Floreano, R. Gotter, A. Santaniello, D. Cvetko, A. Verdini,
    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic investigation of the GaAs nitridation mechanism with an ECR plasma source,
    Phys. Stat. Sol. A 176 (1999) 671.<671::aid-pssa671>3.0.CO;2-E
  5. L. Floreano, L. Petaccia, M. Benes, D. Cvetko, A. Goldoni, R. Gotter, L. Grill, A. Morgante, A. Verdini and S. Modesti,
    Photoelectron diffraction study of the (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) structure,
    Surf. Rev. Lett. 6 (1999) 1091.
  6. A. Verdini, M. Sambi, F. Bruno, D. Cvetko, M. Della Negra, R. Gotter, L. Floreano, A. Morgante, G.A. Rizzi, and G. Granozzi,
    Determination of TiO2(110) Surface Relaxation by Variable Polarization Photoelectron Diffraction,
    Surf. Rev. Lett. 6 (1999) 1201.
Last Updated on Monday, 02 September 2024 09:35