ALOISA Publications


  1. J. E. Barcelon, M. Stojkovska, D. Perilli, G. Carraro, M. Smerieri, L. Vattuone, M. Rocca, G. Bracco, M. Dell’Angela, R. Costantini, A. Cossaro, L. Vaghi, A. Papagni, C. Di Valentin, L. Savio,
    "Formation of diphenyl-bipyridine units by surface assisted cross coupling in Pd-cyclometalled complexes."
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 609 (2023) 155307
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155307
  2. Yuri Tanuma, Gregor Kladnik, Luca Schio, Marion van Midden Mavrič, Bastien Anézo, Erik Zupanič, Gregor Bavdek, Ruben Canton-Vitoria, Luca Floreano, Nikos Tagmatarchis, Hermann A. Wegner, Alberto Morgante, Chris Ewels, Dean Cvetko, Denis Arčon,
    "Non-contact layer stabilization of azafullerene radicals: route towards high-spin-density surfaces."
    ACS Nano 17 (2023) 25301-25310.
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c08717
  3. Iris Berg, Luca Schio, Justus Reitz, Elena Molteni, Linoy Lahav, Carolina Gutiérrez Bolaños, Andrea Goldoni, Cesare Grazioli, Guido Fratesi, Max M. Hansmann, Luca Floreano, and Elad Gross,
    "Self-Assembled Monolayers of N-Heterocyclic Olefins on Au(111)."
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62 (2023) e202311832
    DOI: 10.1002/anie.202311832
  4. I. Fernandez-Guillen, V. S.Chirvony, M. Krecmarová, G. Muñoz-Matutano, J. Ortiga-Fibla, A. Cros, N. Garro, J. F.Sánchez-Royo, J. P. Martínez-Pastor, M. C. Asensio, R. Abargues, P. P. Boix,
    "Boosting Photoluminescence in MAPbBr3 Single Crystals through Laser-Based Surface Modi cation."
    ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 4151−4159,
    DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00777
  5. Iulia Cojocariu, Silvia Carlotto, Daniel Baranowski, Matteo Jugovac, Jan Dreiser, Luca Schio, Luca Floreano, Maurizio Casarin, Vitaliy Feyer, and Claus M. Schneider,
    "Extended π-conjugation: a key to magnetic anisotropy preservation in highly reactive porphyrins."
    J. Mater. Chem. C 11 (2023) 15521-15530
    DOI: 10.1039/d3tc02726k
  6. S. Carlotto, A. Verdini, G. Zamborlimi, I. Cojocariu, V. Feyer, L. Floreano, M. Casarin,
    "A Local Point of View of the Cu(100)->NiTPP Charge Transfer at the NiTPP/Cu(100) Interface."
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023) 26779-26786.
    DOI: 10.1039/d3cp04021f
  7. I. Cojocariu, S. Carlotto, D. Baranowski, M. Jugovac, L. Schio, L. Floreano, M. Casarin, V. Feyer, C. M. Schneider,
    "Substitutional flexibility and molecular pinning in porphyrin-based interfaces sensitive to NO2."
    Inorg. Chim. Acta 556 (2023) 121657.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2023.121657
  8. José Abad, José I. Martínez, Paula Gómez, Miriam Más-Montoya, Luis Rodríguez, Albano Cossaro, Alberto Verdini, Luca Floreano, José A. Martín-Gago, David Curiel, Javier Méndez,
    "2D Self-Assembly Driven by Intermolecular Hydrogen-Bonding in Benzodi-7-Azaindole Molecules on Au(111)."
    J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 11591-11599.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c01640
  9. A. Ugolotti,V. Lanzilotto, C. Grazioli, L. Schio, J. Zamolloa-Serrano, M. Stredansky, T. Zhang, M. de Simone, L. Ferraro, L. Floreano, M. Coreno, C. Puglia, C. Di Valentin,
    "In-plane hydrogen bonds and out-of-plane dipolar interactions in self-assembled melem networks."
    J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 11307-11316.
  10. I. Cojocariu, A. Windischbacher, D. Baranowski, M. Jugovac, R. C. de Campos Ferreira, J. Doležal, M. Švec, J. M. Zamalloa Serrano, M. Tormen, L. Schio, L. Floreano, J. Dreiser, P. Puschnig, V. Feyer, C. M. Schneider,,
    "Surface-mediated spin locking and thermal unlocking in a two-dimensional molecular array."
    Adv. Sci. 10 (2023) 2300223.
    DOI: 10.1002/advs.202300223
  11. Roberto Costantini, Dario Marchiani, Maria Grazia Betti, Carlo Mariani, Samuel Jeong, Yoshikazu Ito, Alberto Morgante, Martina Dell’Angela,
    "Pump-Probe X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Free-Standing Graphane."
    Condens. Matter 8 (2023) 31
    DOI: 10.3390/condmat8020031
  12. F. Armillotta, D. Bidoggia, P. Biasin, A. Annese, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, M. Peressi, E. Vesselli,
    "Spectroscopic fingerprints of iron-coordinated cobalt and iron porphyrin layers on graphene."
    Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 (2023) 101378
    DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2023.101378
  13. Nerea Ruiz del Árbol, Carlos Sánchez-Sánchez, José I. Martínez, Luis Rodríguez, David Serrate, Alberto Verdini, Luca Floreano, Peter Jacobson, Leonhard Grill, José A. Martín-Gago, María F. López,
    "On-surface synthesis of metal-organic frameworks: the critical role of the reaction conditions."
    Chem. Comm. 59 (2023) 2954-2957.
    DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00185G
  14. Luca, Schio, Gregor Bavdek, Cesare Grazioli, Carolina Gutierrez Bolanos, Andrea Goldoni, Andrea Vittadini, Massimo Tormen, Luca Floreano,
    "Role of axial coordination in the adsorption configuration of M(II)-tetraphenylporphyrins (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) on r-TiO2(110)."
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 616 (2023) 156548.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.156548
  15. V. V. Ivanovskaya, A. Zobelli, A. Basagni, S. Casalini, L. Colazzo, F. de Boni, D. G. de Oteyza, M. Sambi, F. Sedona,
    "On-Surface Synthesis and Evolution of Self-Assembled Poly(p-phenylene) Chains on Ag(111): A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study."
    J. Phys. Chem. C 127 (2023) 393.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06926
Last Updated on Monday, 02 September 2024 09:35