ALOISA Publications

Last Update: 2 September 2024


  1. S. Mearini, D. Baranowski, D. Brandstetter, A. Windischbacher, I. Cojocariu, P. Gargiani, M. Valvidares, L. Schio, L. Floreano, P. Puschnig, V. Feyer, C.M. Schneider,
    "Band Structure Engineering in 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks."
    Adv. Sci. in press
    DOI: 10.1002/advs.202404667
  2. D. Baranowski, M. Thaler, D. Brandstetter, A. Windischbacher, I. Cojocariu, S. Mearini, V. Chesnyak, L. Schio, L. Floreano, C. Gutiérrez Bolaños, P. Puschnig, L. L. Patera, V. Feyer, C. M. Schneider,
    "Emergence of band structure in a two-dimensional metal-organic framework upon hierarchical self-assembly."
    ACS Nano 18 (2024) 19618-19627
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c04191
  3. Luca Schio, Gregor Bavdek, Cesare Grazioli, Claudia Obersnù, Albano Cossaro, Andrea Goldoni, Alberto Calloni, Alberto Bossi, Gianlorenzo Bussetti, Alessio Orbelli Biroli, Andrea Vittadini, Luca Floreano,
    "Seeding the Vertical Growth of Laterally Coherent Coordination Polymers on the rutile-TiO2(110) surface."
    Nanoscale (2024) 16 (2024) 13071-13078.
    DOI: 10.1039/D4NR01309C
  4. D. Toffoli, E. Turco, M. Stredansky, R. Costantini, M. Dell’Angela, L. Floreano, A. Goldoni, A. Morgante, G. Kladnik, D. Cvetko, D. G. de Oteyza, L. Colazzo, M. S. G. Mohammed, A. Sala, G. Comelli, C. Africh, G. Fronzoni, G. Balducci, M. Stener, H. Ustunel, A. Cossaro,
    "Oxygen Promoted On-Surface Synthesis of Polyboroxine Molecules."
    Chem. Eur. J. (2024), e202401565
    DOI: 10.1002/chem.202401565
  5. S. Baronio, M. Bassotti, F. Armillotta, E. Frampton, N. Vinogradov, L. Schio, L. Floreano, A. Verdini, E. Vesselli,
    "Stabilization versus competing de-metalation, trans-metalation and (cyclo)-dehydrogenation of Pd porphyrins at a copper surface."
    Nanoscale (2024) in press
    DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00699B
  6. L. Grossmann, M. Hocke, G. Galeotti, G. Contini, L. Floreano, A. Cossaro, A. Ghosh, M. Schmittel, J. Rosen, W. M. Heckl, J. Björk, M. Lackinger,
    "Mechanistic Insights into On-Surface Reactions from Isothermal Temperature-Programmed X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy."
    Nanoscale 16 (2024) 7612-7625.
    DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00468J
  7. S. Gorji, M. Krečmarová, A. Molina-Sanchez, M. C. Asensio, A. F. Gualdrón-Reyes, J. Rodriguez-Romero, H. Pashaei-Adl, R. Canet-Albiach, L. Schio, M. Tormen, L. Floreano, I. Mora-Seró, J. P Martínez Pastor, J. F. Sànchez-Royo, G. Muñoz Matutano,
    "Origin of discrete donor-acceptor pair transitions in 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites."
    Appl. Phys. Rev. 11 (2024) 021401.
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0176692
  8. Mikel Abadia, Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Jens Brede, Alberto Verdini, Luca Floreano, Johannes V. Barth, Jorge Lobo-Checa, Martina Corso, Celia Rogero,
    "Enhancing Haloarene Coupling Reaction Efficiency on an Oxide Surface by Metal Atom Addition."
    Nano Lett. 24 (2024) 1923-1930
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04111
  9. G. Fronzoni, A. Cossaro, R. Costantini, L. Di Nardi, E. Viola, G. Balducci, V. Lanzilotto, D. Toffoli,
    "Core-level spectroscopic probing of the heteromolecular H-bonding interaction in cyanuric Acid/Melamine 2D networks."
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 642 (2024) 158573
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158573
  10. Roberto Costantini, Alessio Giampietri, Dario Marchiani, Maria Grazia Betti, Samuel Jeong, Yoshikazu Ito, Alberto Morgante, Martina Dell’Angela, Carlo Mariani,
    "Controlled laser-induced dehydrogenation of free-standing graphane probed by pump–probe X-ray photoemission."
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 644 (2024) 158784.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158784
  11. A. Author,
Last Updated on Monday, 02 September 2024 09:35