Proposal Types

Peer Review Proposal Selection

Elettra and FERMI are open to users intending to publish their scientific results in the literature. Proposals are submitted in two semestral calls for proposals. After submission, the beamline coordinators assess the technical feasibility of the experiment described and the security services evaluate the potential risk involved. Feasible proposals are then evaluated and ranked by an external panel of reviewers. Best ranked proposals are allocated according to the number of available user dedicated shifts. This process is represented in the figure beside.

Proprietary Research

Users performing proprietary research will be charged a fee based on cost recovery for Elettra  or FERMI usage. In return, the user may choose to take title to any inventions made during the proprietary research program and treat as proprietary all technical data generated during the program. In this case Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste shall discuss and evaluate the measurements directly with the user through our Industrial Liaison Office.

Proposal Path

proposal path

Normal, Monthly and Long Term Proposals

Normal proposals
proposals last for one semester. The number of shifts requested by the user are allocated in the semester consecutive to the call for proposals.

Monthly proposals
Beamlines XRD1 and XRD2 offer users an accelerated monthly path for proposal submission related to small molecules (SMX) and macromolecular crystallography  (MX) Experiments.

Long Term Proposals
In Long term proposals, the number of shifts requested by the user are allocated over a two-year (4 semesters) period. Elettra accepts a limited number of long term projects. When submitting a proposal, please take care to select either the "normal" or "long term project" checkbox.
FERMI presently does not accept this kind of proposals.
A long term project implies that a complex piece of equipment (such as an entire experimental station or a specific sample environment setup) which takes a long time to assemble and dismount is to be transferred to Elettra for the project. During the two-year period, the instruments will be available also to other users.
Proposals for long term projects will be judged as such on the basis of the above definition by the review committee, together with their scientific merit.
Proponents awarded long term status will not be required to submit new proposals relating to the project every six months; however, an interim report after the first year of the project will be required.

Note: Requests for beamtime are based on 8 hours shifts. Although the Elettra storage ring and the FERMI free electron laser operate 24 hours per day, Elettra assistance to Users is assured during the two daytime shifts (7:00 am - 11:00 pm).

Elettra-CNR proposals
An Elettra-CNR proposal is part of a CNR project, performed in collaboration with Elettra (both emmbers of CNR and Elettra must be listed in the proposal description).
Such proposals will be evaluated by the Elettra-CNR Bilateral Committee and then, in case of approval, by the Elettra Peer Review Panel. Proponents will have to tick the box “Elettra-CNR proposal” in the VUO Proposal Submission Form. They will have to insert all the CNR and Elettra participants in the List of Participants and they will have to indicate how many semesters are necessary to complete the research (max 4 semesters are allowed).



Last Updated on Thursday, 24 June 2021 12:55