Electron beam instrumentation for FELs
Frontier fast dynamics science is strongly founded on accelerator-based pulsed photon sources. The longitudinal electron bunch properties play a crucial role to guarantee high performance of the most advanced accelerator-based facilities. Advanced instrumentation have been designed to control picosecond and sub picosecond electron bunch duration. The simplest and most robust bunch length diagnostics are based on the measurement of coherent radiation power and they are used in existing accelerators to measure the relative variation of the bunch length non-destructively and shot by shot. The resulting information is used in bunch length control feedback loops. The drawback is that for an absolute estimation of the bunch length, external instrumentation like a transverse RF deflecting cavity is usually needed. |
Experimentally, the self-calibration method consists in varying the bunch length while detecting the diffraction signal until reaching the asymptotic value. We fit the obtained curve with the theory, where we demonstrated that the only free parameter is a scaling factor. At this point the device is calibrated and available to provide absolute bunch length measurements. We validated the method at the FERMI linac, by changing the bunch length and detecting the coherent signal from the gap by means of a 30 GHz Schottky diode installed in the Coherent Bunch Length Monitor (CBLM). The bunch is shortened by increasing the rf phase of the L01 linac, located upstream of the magnetic chicane used as bunch compressor. The results are reported in Figure 1 for 200 pC and 350 pC bunches. Bunch lengths as measured by CBLM (red dots) are compared with bunch lengths measured with the RF deflecting cavity (blue curve). Figure 1 shows a very good agreement and proves the independence of the proposed method from the bunch charge.
The advantage of this method is its unprecedented simplicity in providing a shot by shot, non-destructive, absolute bunch length measurement and it can easily be applied to different accelerators.
This research was conducted by the following research team:
- Marco Veronese, Roberto Appio*, Paolo Craievich#, Giuseppe Penco, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Trieste, Italy
#on leave at Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Contact person:
Marco Veronese, email:
Marco Veronese, Roberto Appio, Paolo Craievich, Giuseppe Penco,”Absolute Bunch Length Measurement Using Coherent Diffraction Radiation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 074802 (2013), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.074802