The EUV TG project

Extending the transient grating approach to the EUV range: investigate dynamics at the nanoscale 

F. Bencivenga and C. Masciovecchio et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics A 606, 785 (2009) 

The extension of the standard Transient Grating (TG) technique to the EUV spectral region will permit to investigate dynamics in the so-called mesoscopic regime, inaccessible with other experimental techniques. The unique characteristics of the FERMI source, moreover, are ideal for the development of the proposed experiment in Trieste.  The new instrument would allow a better understanding of the physics of disordered systems, and in particular of of the liquid-to-glass transition mechanisms, thermal anomalies at low temperatures, divergence of transport properties and relaxation phenomena. Further- more, the possibility to create and probe sub-picosecond transient gratings with spatial period in the nanometer range will be extremely useful also in other fields of research, since it will provide the unique capability to measure correlations, electronic excitation lifetimes, heat transport, intra-molecular dynamics and non-linear material responses. Finally, TG spectroscopy has proven to be able to reliably probe very weak excitations, such as heat waves in low-temperature fluids. TG is also an extremely sensitive probe for surfaces and interfaces, with potential applications in the study of thin films and nanostructured materials.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 20:37