Tentative Program
Information for Contributors
The scientific program includes (see instructions below):
- on-stage talks of 12 + 3 minutes, from young researchers (May 26 afternoon only)
- plenary talks of 25 + 5 minutes
- talks in parallel sessions (working groups) of 20 + 10 minutes,
- posters
The participants are asked to indicate in the Registration if they are willing to present a poster.
The participants will have the opportunity of uploading in electronic format any proceeding, slides or poster that they are going to present at the workshop.
The program starts in the early afternoon of the 26th of May, and ends in the afternoon of the 29th.
Speakers in plenary session and on-stage
A laptop will be available in the conference room, where the speakers of plenary sessions are kindly asked to upload their presentation well in advance of their session.
Speakers in working groups
Presentations in a working group (WG) will be coordinated by the WG chair.
Up to 10 posters (format not larger than A0, preferred 70x100 cm or similar size) will be selected and accepted by the SPC. They will be attached in the room of the castle tower, and will remain visible during the entire duration of the workshop.
List of Contributions (in progress...)
- Perspective of femto- and atto-second science at FELs, James Cryan (SLAC)
- Science opportunities in chemical and bio-inorganic spectroscopy with short x-ray pulses, Philippe Wernet (Uppsala Univ.)
- Synergy of data science and light sources, Sandra Biedron (Univ. of New Mexico)
- SOLEIL, storage ring light source upgrade plan, Alexandre Loulergue (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
- Complex Bend: a new magnet element to build low-emittance synchrotrons, V. Smalyuk (BNL)
- IR and THz photon beamlines at diffraction limited storage rings: edge radiation and other solutions, Stefano Lupi (CNR)
- Effect of electron beam energy spread on undulator radiation brightness and coherence at diffraction limited storage rings, Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL)
- Integration of insertion devices in diffraction limited light sources, Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
- Laser-induced coherent emission at the DELTA storage ring from THz to EUV, Shaukat Khan (TU Dortmund)
- Femto-slicing experience at BESSY-II, Karsten Holldack (HZB)
- Design studies for EEHG implementation at the SLS 2.0 storage ring, Bernard Riemann (PSI)
- Coherent EUV and soft x-ray radiation from microbunching induced by angular dispersion in storage ring light sources, Chao Feng (SARI, CAS)
- Steady-state microbunching: concept, first tests at MLS and outlook, Alex Chao (Stanford Univ., Tsinghua Univ.)
- Microbunching instability: control in 3rd generation and numerical investigation of the dynamics in a low-emittance configuration, Clement Evain (PhLAM Lab., Lille Univ.)
- Transverse resonance island buckets for synchrotron-radiation based timing experiments at electron storage rings, Marcus Ries (HZB)
- Planned short pulse capabilities for the European XFEL, Mark Guetg (European XFEL)
- Harmonic lasing self-seeding at FLASH and EuXFEL, Evgeny Shneidmiller (DESY)
- PAL-XFEL hard x-ray self-seeding, Inhyuk Nam (PAL)
- Large bandwidth modes at SwissFEL: experience and plans, Sven Reiche (PSI)
- Spectro-temporal shaping of FEL pulses at FERMI, Primoz Rebernik (Elettra)
- Hard X-ray self-seeding at the European XFEL: current status and first results from commissioning, Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL)
- Spectral and temporal operating modes of CompactLight, Neil Thompson (ASTeC, STFC)
- High repetition rate, high coherence X-ray FEL radiation driven by the two pass two way superconducting linac MariX, Vittoria Petrillo (INFN-Milano)
- X-ray free electron laser tuning for variable-gap undulators, Heung-Sik Kang (PAL)
- Radiation Source ELBE successor: high power IR-THz and VUV source, Pavel Evtuschenko (HZD)
- Experience with microbunching instability at the SwissFEL, Simona Bettoni (PSI)
- Evidence, characterization and mitigation strategies of microbunching instability at FERMI, Simone Spampinati (Elettra)
- Microbunching instability effect on sof x-rays self-seeding at LCLS, Gabriel Marcus (SLAC)
- Upgraded compression schemes for FLASH, Mathias Vogt (DESY)
- Forward Bragg out-coupling from an X-ray regenerative amplifier FEL with total Bragg reflectors, Dinh Nguyen (LANL, SLAC)
- High-efficiency regenerative amplifier FEL concept for high peak and average brightness hard x-rays, Gabriel Marcus (SLAC)
- Cavity-based x-ray FELs, Kwang-Je Kim (ANL, Univ. of Chicago)
- Simulations of high-efficiency FEL oscillators at zero-detuning length, Ryoichi Hajima (QST)
- A hard x-ray FEL oscillator at the European XFEL facility, Immo Bahns (European XFEL)
- Design and characteristics of an x-ray laser oscillator, Alexsei Halavanau (SLAC)
- Update on high-efficiency FEL oscillator experiments at KU-FEL, Heishun Zen (Kyotu Univ.)
- Tapering enhanced superradiance: simulations and outlook for the high energy extraction efficiency TESSA266 experiment, Youna Park (UCLA)
- Compact Compton sources, Alex Murokh (RadiaBeam Tech.)
- Compact multidisciplinary ICS x-ray source for advanced medical imaging, Massimo Placidi (LBNL, on leave)
- BriXSino: a demonstrator of high sustainability ICS at ultra high flux, Illya Drebot (INFN-Milano)
- Emittance preservation in a bubble arc compressor for MariX FEL: concept and experimental plan, M. Rossetti (INFN-Milano)
- Characterising and Controlling the Microbunching Instability, A. Brynes (ASTeC, STFC, Univ. of Liverpool)
- Analysis of Intra-Beam Scattering Effects on Microbunching Instability, G. Perosa (Elettra)
- Control of the undulator radiation properties from a transported laser plasma-accelerated electron beam, A. Ghaith (Synchrotorn SOLEIL)
- Simulation of XFELO and its test experiment, Y. Li (Univ. of Chicago)
- Variable polarisation afterburner studies for the CompactLight SXR output, H. M. Castaneda (UK-RI, STFC)
- Towards an Ultra-Compact X-Ray Free-Electron Laser, R. Robles (UCLA)
- Self-consistent particle tracking in FEL interaction with electromagnetic field modes, Andrew Fisher (UCLA)